High Definition


C an Di'd leye

Can Y0u Here Me N0w


C = a pers0n all vie w e t0/0 sea 2 see d/rink in g0/d c/0m/p any appreciably in re flect~i 0n e very e t hing e/ar ing's us sup ply ed inn'ere ti'me t0/0 th and fe/e den s/0le ib el0ng 0/n e thrU 2 reCeive t0/0(a)ll.c. 0m/e f0r/t/e`able ly en d/0~ve

(leib = body in german, lieb = dear e/we c lea r)

sea/m = em0ti0ns i'de all ye c.c. lea r e t0 me 2 land innf0/r/m in g square numbers & letters 2 gether e in s0li.d. funct~i0n e 0n e

C 2 See x Sea met w/0 re st.0re in t0/e vein s0w e in

See = t hat which as me/r~i/t in t0/0 begining as p.r.i'me ad e serving's us Seen & Seem & Seam similarly in be lea fxfuncti0n all y e & c0mpleat~i0n e fxf0und ye/st.air/daye See n0w as truth eave n s0h 0 wing 0 pr0w t in ti'me/as/u/re ve in s0~0n e

C 2 C in mirr0r e flecti0n e = mir rim r/0/r ight X 2 zer0/n act~i0n e f0r/m/e fr0/m/e st.art e

C = a cUp U turn Up 2 c/Up & think a l0t : L as t act~i0n sawT e/l/even II elevate a d0/0r way e thrU act~i0n e at k n0 w c0(h0)st. and c t0 S ee & S ea.m. 0ving i/n re all i ty ea cr0ss ti'me act u all y e aught f0r e X 4 naught 'in s pi re her 0



Ref iN ad vances and s0w 0n Eve in 2 sup ply s'ap ple ye tw0~0d! d0 0/r ing(0)w0re ship as saye see b/0 at m00r 0 de ll igh t inn/0f ten s i'lleye s0h~ h0' SAS t'g0 ad em.0. & g0 ALL anD/0 te art h in D =

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fi-t-a-t-ire-t0-w-/eel- is to be misread "A-y-gain-e-"


0 as 0 watt air ~r0w e regenerati0n full 0le ly e n0w e~b be es pi der ing i/ndigen0us ly e


they all sat around a circle tw/0' be eve in ste ad e` very et hinge c 2 see the sir x cir cle sell cent~i'liters well eaven t'0 LE g.re in f0r a/n e circumstance 2 c/up in ipple ad a ware in ess ieve n0w e/ave n t/h0 ware circumstance be a re tribe u~ti 0n e in si'de t/0/U/r e all s0w e~g0h0~eaven s0 eX acT~ly e Uni verse ally e re lay T in g/race


Square vein t' circl' is ten 0/n~ten t~i 0n e's c0/h0/rt 2 b/i/r/t heaven a.m.e g.race : c/i/r/c/el = se eye ar seall 0ve n0 ah gain in ad dress as 0h : h0 e~


and like pi e f0r any eye is not lost in sharing c~i~r~cumstance e pr0f0undly e t0/0 x 02@0/n/e ti'me in g* a/s/tar e a p air e in f/aster e fall 0 win/n d/e pen den t~ly e a fi re c00King the-a-d-raw:war d current ly e

this is the c 2 See m0ving b/r0~ad ly e s0w/h0~ t0/0k a cr0ss h0ul d er ep as t L0! T~ a~ gain in k/0 pen & d/at(e)a last i/n g's 0h0 pen

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w/h0 discovered w hat wen-t missing ain-y-way-e- at/all~ ate at'each @ any ti'me tw0 0d in ad vance ye sir m'eyes with re c0g ni ti 0n et tu~ just be cause ye c an just fi ne ve/in st.and i/n g

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circle the square with fresh a ware X ness evein f air e

nd circle the square w/h0 x tw/0 x reap air et here t00th and (h)air eye ma(e)re


see personal c.c. h0e n0w/ e ave n may Ke in sUm e in


shh pen-is -h-m.o.-k- 2 day-t-e-vain-e-lay-e-

c t0 c/0n Sieve d i/n e/As pi re all ent l.c 0m/p/lea/t 0 parallel 0n g i.v.i.e. w/ in g20 sum mit t0/0 t here t'DayT 2 x f0~re~all x f0r est. merry e g.0


end0w a s0le t0/0 credit Miss Representati0n E ve in/n 0 pen sustain t/en able t0/0 dayT & a.m.0re` layT~i 0 new/f0und belle 0' y0re generati0n e g.ear eg.ist winning 0h 2 h0 me in/n

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with no -f-e-e- irony, i would have 0rdered the Biological cell definition to be # 1. and the small room for a prisoner t0 be there after e sUm e` vein s0'/f fi/t 0ss0 d 0f/f as td need eed yne th'0 pen s0 we in~s~in g lass


ka statues dont talk walk a/nd profoundly re-as-on-steven-st-ill-ent-m-0urn-0-w/-ret-urn-stat-utes-2- adorn him w/ no interest 2 pr0 0f i/n e'ye~ty e t0gether & gather i/ndustriously et en 0n e/n 0ugh st.and in g f0r/m/0.0R X m.0.re t0uch d/0wn st.0re


f0l-d- f0ra f0 all eaven ti'de in st.ride w/min/e act~i0ns even s0w is e`0 f0r/m/e=an ye way e X pers0n i fi ed : f0r e all a/seen 2 b/i planar i/n pi ece ed a/s pi re all u relev/ant' all ent d/n/a in/n f0r/m ate(a)tie 0n eve in/0f trans parent i'me in me/all s/0/w e c.c. air ye 0n'e ye w/right' a pass a plan at d ear en t err a new/ ins 0 c/i abilit~y eye d0 main e're n0un ly e n/d &


t0 tally digestible nutrients igh ave t0 me in ste ad e s(h)uss fix relay T (/ah)ead (h) i/n d eed


c t0e si eve n 4 re all

f0 all give th birth 2 running f0r/u/m/a/p p/r0ve in s0/m e


high definition relayTiT en 0n e w/sat is fact i 0n e tu/be c0m even T's0/n net a b0und y(e)ne = dyne in function act u all ye inn c0 m~


c thru peye'per trans parent ly e t0/e~ "verses" c-u-t "l"osso w/in k n0 w/t'w/eye li'te n due td ay t'0/m e may k


i h/ave t'du all i~tye i natures a.c.ircumstance t0 @ ste.all eaven ano seconds 0' count'sell ass i re ad i/n e' Light en t fir.st ly e~Te


by e the way e~ eXecute & epi/t0me are b/0athe w0rds 0f X cise ing 0/due all i ty even t' 0 pen

c u/p in c/u/m e as u/re c0/m/e in c0nvicti0n e txt's ep't(0_)ember eX act~ly e s0w e in circumferenc/i/ally e 2 see x sea ll ye t0/0 th and ear ing's us seen inns u/re an~c (i) t(y)m relevance de/ep en d ent ly e 0 ver e he'll and ell 0~re rye t'0 me all s0e us~e 0h0 w/ in d0w e fxfuture in an/ny e re member ing ear e all t0 e in c0n teXt fi ne fin e u c/up ath ey! e in k n0 w in g's h0 w~e in 'tea/t ime' ti'me in g/0 pr0w/t m heave n d0w e by e re member answers ayes O dd er et h e s0ld(i)er e temper me an t0 me are n0un der an d/0ve t'all0w in g's aid re a.m.s ing a ware in/n 0h ap/p/i ly e d ant see c(h)ant hat fe/e d relief in eve in and 0w ager end/0w e/e~p r0 per u l(e)y e w/ ar'n e'ar ing sea t0n ig ht in vite a.m. ing c lea re ad b right ly e n f 0re gi've in an d/0/n/e/t~u`s um/e


hew excise cut execute epitome an d such

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w/hin tare is in y0u/r p.r.ice 0 pen ly e w/tm ate d fi/n d i.d. t here T'D aye re lay T in g~0/n actually es 0/m e sUm e` ve in s0w e` /t/u`s/e/0/f ten 0n


2 d0 man i = t0m00r/0 w/ eave n funct~i 0n e/all i/t~y e very e t hing(u)es t.eyed~i/n~e t0 me in ti'me an d/0 ne vein ly e na.m.e & sa.m.e in g's us is up plan t 0 wanDer e free fr0/m "i/r-r/0-r" "x's" error t hat c-ain-t st.and 0wn e ve/i/n dust ry~e ye cL~aim in 0 2 relay T w/ answer eve/r b right are

ht = t0 me a com/m0n abbrv height X high t with empha sis


ten 0n e w/en joynt'0h0pe gether ing. rise in s0w e.g. 0 f0r e the s/ache r/0 te ind e me/an d aye n0/ugh

s0l-d-ie-r -e- f0-r-e hi-re-in-vain-2-may K a scene in "sec0nd" c-0m/ming apparent ly e st.and-f0re sum e thing w/h-t-a-fight- re-leg-ated-2-am-is-tress if t'0wn-ly-a-f0r-a-night-all-s0w-e-g."0" fight for no re as 0n e t0 0le as T' by e r/i/g/ht' all0w ay est (r) ata glance in defer : rents w/ift ns 0und i/n e'ye n0h at'L as t~

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h ay e is hew t0/0 : sh0 0's h0 e sh0 w/in st~an~d


f0r/t/he sake ye 0f~an~eX ample ly e 4 bid den x bet x bed x d in gi'ven


eye w0n der a b0ut he -d- rug 2 i'm b/ue (be e spoken w/h0~ut pr0 0f in e)w/righter en t00th tw0 re st0re in g/race -X- static all a.m. 00r e as 0/n e 4 x f0re vir~t~U`e

i'mbue = m0 is ten in k n0* w h0*rigin sp0ken

Dt's revers ai D ay T able a/t0 me w/anD ye re le.g.vance & cuppeth e level g.lace g.lance be c0m e TD f0r/m/e a.c.Up & cuLpa l0veth eave n 0.we t'h0 2 bec0me any waye 0n sign if/i c an T~lye 0n e h0 w/h0le pi ear see n & an0n 0./f in 0 pers0/n all0~ w/all0w xyz~ w/is e0rdere sin'd and sinn fe/in fin eye tie ye t00 sense fine ally a fi/t~e ar t h(i)l~lit e n/t' art 2 g0L0ng e L eve re add ye w/right w/ice ing et d0wn and lay e'ars up &s 0/m e~nd a br0~ken ewe ft f0und heart/dance~see n'eye t'm ayK quick ly e w/ r0 ma/n s w/e re all t0w e.g. a/in kn0 win g fr/i.end. and.t.he beginning 2'0 m a/ye k ray T~i/n the 0 pen & evein -st-ages egue ss w/in k n0 w/e g0~ t en 0ugh t'pas/s0n eXI gents ~n~ 0w/in f0r ce be e in ewe ave nt's ewe n j0y e tw/0 we n reap air are w/h0/m e t here inn


a "front" w/ inter-rest- is k n0 t a ware X act ly e t0 me in sign if/i can T's w/ xyz f0r/m/e 0wn ly e


i'm-mig-rate-tie-0n-e-u- vie-w- would ire-onic -ally-e-wheeze if left to dye 0ne t here l0t 0 pen ly 2 re member et tu` w/inc 2 c0mp lea te :k n0 w e b/0d dye is t0 b-lame for eac(h) tionary vie-w/s "x" cept your g-aw-d comp-any-e-


circumferentially et tu`keye plumbum bee


ire-0n-y-e- Ave-st.-a- is dem(e)an-ding a livieng fr0/m/e t/h/at ~e~ they h/aven't earned 0/ne g.ate g.raciou-st-ages- independt/ie/ly eve in -&- w/-i"sh"-2-t"0"w/-under-right-m/y ear e in g~0' h0me in re flecti0n e t-heir "sound" "provision" f0re x 4 win"k"n0-w/e-re-as-0n-e-in th0~(u) pen d & s0w e0n e w/in k in g pi l0t t0 x 4 p0/0p l0~0!pin g f0r/m/e are all y eve in all am 0ne y e in di/s create ly e lass (h)0 w/xyz eall 0! c0!l0~re in vie t in g0/n0h/0e rst met(h) er:re pr0 f0und.c.f.x f/0/u/r ave n at'all eave n t~i/t in re ly g~i0/n end/0ve g. an d r/e u w/in d be calm in an d b re asye w/inning a ware t'v et i.t.


s0'de. g.e0 de 2 litter ate uphimiss m's urprix Miss Take in g r'asses an dbe gr0w in g's hall 0 w/ay e` w/edge s(t) ate d i/n advance 0f making fair all


it is easy to s-her-k when not paying at ten t~ion in your u(r)t w/ a j-e-rk = we-a(e)ge-is-t-fir-e-st.in-t-0rt-00-k- in b/r0ad ay li't e~


the big' sail* & f0re ve r:ran d

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a guard en h/edge with ewe in g 20's


i.t. it in certain e circumstances e`ye c an ere lay T in/n te r/vent~i0n eu f as t as-scene laying "itme"w/re-cog-nit-i0n-e-/-ver-e-"i'me"w/het-her-e-in-n-s-um/e in re ad 0ll ever smee? -0re- h0-0k-eye- 2 relay T f0/U/r ent m et en a m e an t meta fact0ry e 0n inn e'ye~ w/huss~y stem 0ver e l0!ad in g's in fr0nt 0 me unti'll ad en s/h/i.p. in e w/hit tell 0 bl0g ain in/n y (h)urt in e'ye w/l0ve int0 fxf in f0r/m/e/in/fe all set 0 w/ha! c/Up ewe c an see we ave n0 u/g/h/ 0 we in


i didn't gerund generati0n ing -2- ap-p-r0ve' s0d s0dding s-u-e- in-g- in- h-a(-L-)ve (with n0 w in g's in per sieve in g) a'rticulating wit' hedge 2 s0und 0u-b-*-t-0-re-as-on-e-in-g-in-L-as-t-int-ing-a/in-galling-leaven-tw-/-h0-re-lig-i0n-s-up-per-c-rest- dick-t-i0n-s-0-u-p-I-n-es-s-ave-t-h-e-all-(he-ad-de)faces-in-ste-ad-


stable = stay e able a/ll the ti'me = sea t able at'L as t an/d c0/mf0/r/t/ably e f0rth c0me in/n


y/u/r/t a circulare a ware ness ent'ten t felt s/kin s0/n~n et in/g c~b e/d a daye`h(e)ad currant lei baeries i`n


stable = stay e able a/ll the ti'me = sea t able at'L as Vega/s t an/d c0/mf0/r/t/ably e f0rth c0me in/n


h~ e.g. w/ h0 sign if i c an T s aid w/ an X pectati0ne t hat isn0t dead