
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

If you want to settle this your way, you can send my $60 back t0 me:

pay pal : xubrnt@yahoo.com


act u all y e bbe e spoke in rev0 c at(e) i 0n e




From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@mac.com>

Subject: N0 is a number all s0w y 0/u k n0 w e

Date: October 25, 2014 11:18:48 AM EDT

To: port city bikes <info@portcitybikes.com>

Cc: ***

Just so you know with no clarity un exposed,

while you do de serve my money as a pers 0n

You do not de serve it for the integrity of my bike to be wh0le.


Sow if you want to be lack luster on the fray, it may be de cent if you

don't charge any money for your services to D ate


as that set me back with my pr0 visi0n in ti me t0/0 make r ate

h ad i k n0w n i/ t w0uld f all thrU t he grate


Many T hanks,




From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Date: October 25, 2014 2:50:47 PM EDT

To: port city bikes <info@portcitybikes.com>

Cc: ***

you are wit ness in g my frustration in take in the time t0/0 b-e- passé-d-0n-e- 


pass i've is n0t all way es right in st.0ne


ire-on-ic just be-e-cause-e- 

women get "st-one-d" fora just being a r0und in si te


for instance 

to day-e-as any-e-d-aye- p-ass-ed-0n-e-


this woman is killed i/n i/r an for stopping a man's assault on her e in the 0 pen.


the vernacular com-mon in a-mer-i-c-a- dis-guise

is rebuffing a woman for not keeping her man-errors (for no re as on among her 0  

s0le t0/0 s0uL ass 0 w e).


per -d-aphid -0- "david" in s a.m.e meaningless f-unction,

calling me "vile" c an be write x right ly seen vs scene as vie all and vial per a container.

and the disguise that is m-aid is for women to keep their man-errors for no reason, and spite the i/r personalit~ye in their "own" provision, to be Scene complimentary e vain -d-


not own? lie? does this woman in i ran h ave to w ear a t able cloth in provision? c? lea? r? t0 d? ate? t-0n -e- h-e-r-r-r- he-ad- 

if she pays at ten ti 0n e in i/t, her life is de-fined-2-b-lee-d- e-nigh-e-d- 


Uni verse all y e s pea k in g = w hat i am w0r k in g 0 n e 

w her e the ze r/0 of 0 h arm d0 ne is 0 wn ed by & buy e very 0n e 


P.S. a b/0 0k 2 like :

G/0/n in my verse 0n 

G0n versi0n 2, manga 

it is wordless, it is from japan

you will re ad it back wards t0 f0r w ards 

ard is a suffix to make less 0n e with in te r est 

vs "just" inter-rest- 0-pen-ly-?- e- 


I see the illustrations as G0 0n, w here the 0, the ze r/0 

is sh are d in times t0/0 bi tu` just be c ause 


any one c an make a d0 ne at(e)~i 0n e


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