
tusks taking the teeth 0uta sigh t

t-us-k-s- taking the teeth 0uta re right full 0wners e X all0 ans~w/(h)ears 0/0n e s~(h)~eigh t 2 tat and 0 kn0 t a/b/an/d/0n/e re write in/n habit~0f/f/ anD/0~ve all 0ver e s/h0/w/e.g.0~all~anD


in the be.g.i/nning eye bi.g.inning ti'me was mear t meant last inn lasting's 0le t0'0'le the s0ul ast and as pb e.g. 0

w hat 00 w00 d e/b t'quill ed light as a fe at her e d0~ve in gad ness teall 0d e write

creativity e nature ye sustainable s0we b/right f0ra s mile sea bee a ware in g land ness t0n eye T ear ivers pans e. g.0 t0 g0


this is pr0bably a g0/0d ti'me t0 e X p0se the frame 0f th'ume an an/at/0m e'ye w/an0 nan0gram at/m 00r e c0h0st 0/f/f 0ra re all an D t hat is the epithelial tissue is the same in the m0uth as s0wn in said c0nsumpti0n e t/as sh0w/ h'0le ave n tw/hale land te all s0w e. g0 h20 watt are s 0we l=l in tad vance of his-st0re-ye-s-ir-e-st-e-all-a-w-in-dus-t-ry-e-una-w(h)are-t0-g-et-het-her-e-

never c air ing f0r e me/m(e)~b/ring~ing i/n c0ntinue ye tye 2 t/ear seen e Miss Under e St0/0d actyl ly e ave n t0/0le ti'me m/aven a~cava canVas~pan~is/h 0 ly e at cr0ss ane thing e san/us w~ear ve D e/b t0 me w/(h)are & w/(h)air 2 di/is sap ear e vein em tu` be b re at he~b re ad~0ve rt~an0 t her es~w/(h)ey e // i pr0vided the w(h)ayes and the w/(h)aves aye t wanting iLt hat 2 beck 0n e in dustry e revelati0ns met an a ll ent in character e t/0/U/r e s pr0 0f ten 0ne's 0wn e miracle p.r.i'de n0ugh 2'0 be lea fi/n ger/run di/n g the ti'me t ie r es/t0r e ad dress 2 f0rty~ah ten D~0wn = D~0/ne vein anD just b.c.0m V peat gam e. g.en ere ate~i 0n e st' 0w e n D t0/0 be.g.i/n=n0w/~(h)ear n est 2 even D c0mplee te ate ye am aid en~s~ave in g's

Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

in the begining eye had a s0le a c t u ally e~ and n0w e/i have. g./r0w/n a pre sense 2 assume w hat has been "miss-c0ns-true-d-" fr0/m/e in the 0 pen~in~g~u/y~0/u serves an dun e/in 0n/e be c0me in g's uss e w/hall and e w/hale as e~e ke/~el eX cell ~ent 2 b/in/d e/b ti'me t'e~al+l 0n e ten 0n e 0f/f i/n 0n/e f/as/hi/0n e b.0wn 0n e b.0ne 0n e b0n(e)y e tw/h0 a T 2 Thr0~at at~an-y -e-fe-e-d-t-rite-t-r-0at-e-0n-e-culling-for-a fal-lse fer-yer-sel-f-f-ash-i-0n-e-able-bel-lie-bel-ly-e-scene-f0-r-e-very e t H inge "name-lee"/ t-he par-r0t-d0th-p-air-0t-wit-hi-t-2-ste-all-a-w/-p-rac-t-i-c/all-ap/p-lie-c/ate-i-0n-e- with0~ut quest i 0n e (as the cens0r -e- ship (sh-y-pe-), sh0uld have all ready "Ben" ren-d-ere-d-2-re-ad- apparent ly in ste ad- __ -w here k n0w e 0n e is Pea kin g's 2 relay T/0r i g.i/n al+l ye~t tu` es ate Day T in e m'eye he ad dy e 0Le~a/t/e~hi'll e ft f0r/t/e` in re lea fe~)f~an~flame d i/n ten ti 0n e 2d ay a're ray Ke in fine in p.r.i'me ti'me w/(h)ells pen t 0ut a ha b/i/t~e~ act u all ay e & pre sent ly e f0ra sh'00k a st Miss Sp0ke n b/luff ed up~b~arts par/t an sh0uld e/b t e~re Miss T00k ed-s-hi'm-ag-g0t-a-gain- & the came ra n0/te be/ne we sum mer e.g.lances at an~nin~g f0ra re all and

s-0we-sue-th-e-s-ayer-e-is-the'd-evil-t-hat-s-hat-e-diss-guyes-aid-"0"-g"0"d-ly-e-s0w-e-in-em-en-t-i0n-e-b-re-ad-f0-re-very-e-0n-e-in-de-e-pen-dent-ly-e-vain-an-d-s0/n-sum-e-ve-in-n-e-w-hit/her-e-wit-her-e-s-l-iv-e-r-e-seall-ver-tre-sUm-e-s-"0m"-e- in the making of the perpetuall culling that t-he-w-ill-eye-lam-ill-k-n0t-all0w-e-tu`-be-c0m-f-0r-t-able-ly-e-all-t-he-t-im-e-supp-le-lie-ven-d-s-trait-2-h0-tel-l-e-in-s-ure-rent-s-mack-er-e-s-pin-n-ear-s-Peak-ear-s-hall-0-w-e- as apparent k/n0/w kn0 ta ware in mavens 0 ap plumbum 0n/e ye wit h0~ut en D's e g's us supplye D by she~art an/ye w/haw/~aye~sh(e)ad e/b the sh(e)ad0w ell ent' an e way are r0und art 0uta re p/as/t~i~the pre sent ly eye 2 st ate st a rt~ans w/(h)ear in g's appearing iv's d/rip ping'

scene for the unseen, suss?t?ain?able?ly?e?sai d? resp0nsible 2 speak Up? as with e me 0n the same sai d i'm e & s0we ye pr0 cee Daye with e new e rendering' seen f0r/m/e c0mp eat in g's apparent ly e. g.0t 0g fr0/m/e vein ly e : Yes, Eve nem aid e me f0r e. g.i've in g~c 0/m e f0r/t~able ly e as~t re e t's a with0~ut c0n-sense-s-us-s- even 2 ruin the ha-b-i-t-e- t hat -in-dus-t- all s0we d0es -aid-0-0-k-ie-cut-all-k n0t e try e am0ng usT as susT en ant~must 2 celebrate t0/f/f ten 0n e he m/ey' A habits unwine d 0ft~meet 0/0 t'0w e in te. g.r/i t/ty e well and w/heel e tw/heal+lth e pr0 0f e/D X t'w/h0 kn0w e n D0w e~g0's 0h0's (h)eaven Ds~t r/0n/g's h0 w/ the cyst 2 surrendirt' sis te r/ra D/r/aw e~ be 0n et t(h)un/der e.g. 0/0d erriera f0r/t/u`Pen D~0/f/f 'saw-r0se'-w/-right-2-t0g-0n-ads-2-purse-Sue-w/-(h)in-n-s-kin-t-0-0le-t-w-0-0-le-n(t-0"i"let hr-U-)-b-pr0-w-t-miss-pen-t- speaking vain -ly e thrU -L-e- X- i- c0n- est-able-i-she-d-t- -e - s- t-(merit with0ut intenti0ne 2 hear it with acti0n e 2 sup p0re T'all a r0und) -&- d-e/b-t'- ease- t-rust-ringing- f0rth ang in g0/n e ver e b0und in g' sUm e all a the~ l/i/0 n~ fi re vein s0/me t/tu` she' share 0n e s0/m a t/0r e st0re & re tell cells pine all and g.land i.d. ei gratia ce0 g0/0d e/b t' i'm e all i've n D. f0ra eyes ir me'yes awe all 0ft en 0n e b re ad ten 0n e be as't' hed c0n f/lag rate eye 0n e ta~da~ me ad e Miss Ta/ke/n 0ggin 2 may/ke ni'm eye i/m/age min i mum advantage ven D just b.c. saw el le/menTal+l and s0/m e'ye s0/n e~g0/0d be a Miss Under e St00d e/b ti'me 0n e di/me f0rth c0m b in e at hym e in knit c0m p eat et tu`e/we be lea f/t the same inn s0le~nts trut with agi/le wit ness us seein f0r just being just b.c. apparent ly e sayes e/e s0we inc in/que terre x 2 = 10 = L eve L (h)ands and fingers have t00 the ye

and thus the marketing gesture re ad~true bbe light at h e a r t h @ un Miss Take able $$ ings h0ne w/h0 L me t tu`metier e vert u`pull thrU dew claw e d0g0d ly e 0ft en 0n en/0f/f 0blique e fairing 2 speak 0 circumstance directly e t0/0k in facts 0/m e mem0ry e & m0rt 2d ay T effective ly e with fL0ur e ad f0/u/r/ e gardening m0 re in a meta t'd0/0/r e inn s/t/rain sUm Use~sings as art eye tect in re lea fe ye bbe ta tt 00 meme distinct in sigh~t mem0 rye s~he/ad

i d0nt kn0w much ab0ut the law -e- but d0 k n0w e being-ung-h0h-ung 0ut t0 dry e c0nversationall ye which is t0 say-e-w/h-itch e way d0 eye "want " "2" be sucker punche-d- 2- day-t- &- '0wn' it with0ut breath e(ye heard 'h0ne' ve/in ly e t0/U/r e lay T~it ans hip) it an/d e w/h0~wn e the righ~t0/0' say 2 d-avid under "god" he actually e despise men sublime ly, as with the peep pull- under "god" the "same" the d-e/b-t- his-aw-all-et- "2" s-him-it-tu`-hue~ talking in the relief e with n0 eXpediency 2 tell vs te-l-l-e-in-g-c-as-te-thr-u-e- car-rye-ri0t-2-miss-pen-t-an-diss-pen-see-t-ee-d-0-f/-f- any e 0n e true f0r e all ye wanting 2 apparently as place be sp0ken are resident' r0se r ar0und e/b the n0se 2 my eye t0/0 the s0und g0/0d' s0w e n0w e takes hap e t0/0 sh0w e.g. 0 stipul+lated by and buye the hands0me t'let t'air predicateD aye with eye sigh t actually e see ms ing c0n tin u~nity e pb r0ads ides idus as 0/m~uch ly e pr.i.d.es Tall at m00~r~0ws hall~0w/ startings 0w ein e with and dy e ttu`pr0 fan d/in/g true in fleshy e tude 2 car rye the a daye as p0ken thrUm min sUm e c0/re ti/n am e seen s e X amp~le in ly e speaking's~aim cana ll ear n acts II (2 0n/e) D serve DestiNati0nes pur e vie w/ eaven

specifically, the day of court, the judge offerred the 0pti0n 2 communicate in the l0bby, and c-harlot-t-e- delaye-d- and said we would sheepish-ly speak with d-avid, as s0/n as he g0t 0ut 0f the c0urt r00m apparent ly e, and i sat with bridge-t-t-e 2 my right in a h0rse sh0e configurati0ne with a t able t0/0 eye am n0t sure why as it se-am-s-2-lack-re all meaning f0r/m/e just sayin 0 pen ly e

b-ridge-t-te- first seamed friendly, she smiled back at me in he court room i n0ticed her fake tan on her face and body e, and i didn't kn0w wh0 she was just s0me0ne friendly e, the man sitting next to me menti0ned D-avid- Chamberlain in the pew e (david really didn't slay g0liath in myT i'me reflecti0n e that is f0r e certain) (t-his is a con-tin-u-ate-ti-0n-e- 0f the fi-b-(er) f0re being scene (h)ave in g cl0! thing apparent ly e t0 t0g e t/her e st-re-am-a-lig-n-ed- 2 - misconstrue his fiction foe her fantasy on his di-me- "2" be made -2- hel-l-p s-him-0f-maul-things-mall-e-vain-e-nd-0-a-gai-n-ever-e-mending-even-f0r-the-speaking-f0r-war-d-ing-see-n-0w-e-was-)scene making for re-el-0!-ve-ye- with -0-pt/i-0-ns-e-gal-l0re-s-h0p-pin-g-all-ift-i-me- in commune all directi0nall a stride with nap ap and h apparently - n0 re all c0mmunicati0n e f0re ac(h)ti0n e 0n e the wh0le di'me t0 e 2 by h e a r t h 2 0 ch00se with fall 0 w e thrU t0/0 x 2 integrity e with the same ti'me pr0 fan d ly all i've very ein ear h0use w/h0lme in c0re p0re ate d aye t'week n0wing lee we di.d. mat~terra 4 x f0r era in/c by the way e st~and e/b tw/h0 DayT in e f0re nap kin e m/s aye t0'0le x ligh tm etier 0ar advances ax/le an 0 redundancy e cc0mpeat eyes naked lye w/~ may/ke 2 at 0ne t0/0 th'all 0 we fall 0 w an/d/er ans~w/(h)ears and~s~hares t0g eT her e vein~s we d beck 0n e c/lea/r e all t0we in vein spirit L c0me all 0e f0 am r/0ne 0f/f e im a ware app/le st ag/e/rst while t here vein f air e lye

fig ist date 2 may ke vein

all answ/(h)ears 0 lent 2d e/b t figurative Lenders pen tup 2 sir prize zinn side

this page under construction, going to court tomorrow, and there are a few things i want Miss Stated, i will polish this up before the night ends, however, there is plenty to work with 2 at 0ne make nds end & men d

points to ren das wear ent in e side my head

subtleties of d-avids re-p0se- already know he plays dirty, and wears a white face and hands, without an apparent brown nose

bridge-t-t-e is his -a-gent--0-n-0-se-

das boot, the conversation where i stated i am with e want of choice in this living arrangement, spiritual s0ul to inn lasting s0le with reference, i positioned my boot to my side in the air at head height of david sitting t-here, and he said i made him nervous as i am "athletic"

t-hey sequestere-d- for a move out date of the end of january and i raised my foot again explain inn lasting soul, finger raised vert i c/all across my center axis, t00 inn last ing s0le, and bridge-t-t-e said, in a p-rim- inverted, puckered h-0le- to put my foot down, (and s-0we- her-all-s0w-e-)

again, the stipulation of w hat d-avid will sai-d- e/b -t-0- x 2 - hol-d- against me in court is based first ly 0n his failure among me to rap p0re t -and- in direct-cur-rent-see-2-relay-t-with bridge that didn't get act u all ye, tel-l-s me to "put my foot down" with0ut in ten d in g 2 hear me as with w here x w/ear

t0 me 0n my page ye place the age tu'be dayTable actually e, this is an ill-u-s-trait-i-on-e- 0f- vanity-e- & all other action swill run the same coun-t-en-ance-tac-t-ic-lie-

the "4" witnesses d-avid has apparent LY in his repast of not think much 2 actually be 0ne t0/0 make men ten i 0n e withe write x right inherent ly e as ai demonstrated fr0nt ally e

is bridge-t-t-e , c-harl0t-t-e-, the b-ail-if-t-s-

"1" lifting my f00t f0r-n0-re-as-0n-e-t-hey-e-want 2 see in 0rder t hat 0ne may e be 0ne in de pen den t ly e

"2" that me being upset -and-upe-d-up-awn- is "count"-er-sui-t-2-c-all-me-"aggressive" among, notable ly the thing that they are not mentioning, just wearing, and that is my face of virtue, as their apparent inherent value 2 make a judgement on me the wheel, t-hey- see-k- 2- pull a spoke thr-u-

let us not forget, the made up lease violations for having art in the art room, the many complaints to avesta prominently about this "one" person, who is starting to line up very similar to avesta's "inherent stance" aka unscene from the scene apparent ly, is just another case of their 'mismanagement' -2-day-t--2-not-with-merit relay t

and t-hey make me wear the "for-e" -&- "aft"- 0f/f t-heir sir-cum-stance- without a real care in it, just to wipe their ass on your face, as they wear it.

the point is -david- is not giving me f0rum 2 speak on the same "f0rum" he "creates" the "need" f0r/m/e (& e very e tw/h0~ught 2 b/0d dy es) too vain ly a gree t hat he is "protecting" "societys" "assets" (you d0 n0t see and d0 n0t actually need) 2-be-scene-as-necessary ie appearing as act u al ly -vs- actual-lie-f0r the common ly thought less discerning, wh0 may be discerning, if they could see what is taking p-lace-0/b-scene-ly-e- 0wn-lie- 0n their e 0wn plat(e)f0rm y/ear/n in g~the 0 pen m0uth w/h0~ut a d0ubt

bridge-t-t-e- sim-pul-ly- serves as my wench t0ss0 s~h0~w given a ch0ice 0n the line we /ear e x w/here are n0w e re lay T in g, bridge-t-t-e- advances the premise 0f n0 merit in it, b.c. she d0esn't want 2 , she wants -2- as-he-er- e-p0-ten-ti-all-t-w/-h0-lie an0-t-her-e-day-e-tu`- have more "s-w/-aye-" in the matter of virtue -2- tr ans p0se as vert-tu`-p0-0p-l0p-l00p-an-d-p00l-ien-2-x-t0-0- n any 0nes 0 ap pen di m(e) 0ut h

and s0w using "0ne" dish0nest e"x"amp-le- s-him-ed- by an0-t-her-0ne- you can see how the whole of sic s0ciety has become actually an in-sane-way-e-0-being-all-ant-ry-e- 2 sustain the image 0f ten' s/t/rait in g's (with0ut pr0viding n0r desire in g)

i am wh0le an 0nt0 me pate 2 plate f0re palate as i speak, and i will c0n tin u e t0/0 the right in e me

p/l/ease n0te, rather than lis t en, avesta would apparent-ly "like" to shift the b-lam-e- of t-heir-e-current-stance-2-p-ass-0ft(en)-in-advance-t0/0-sustain any e right full impass on t-heir inn last 2 be scene as c0mplete relati0n ally e (not including me or any one they disregard or go after -2- insult- with in-n-so-l-ents- 4- believing their marketing image as s0l-d- sh0d-d-ly-e-) use-right-a-way-2-get-lawyer-2-rep0-t-heir-e-pay-eye-p-ass-p-ave- and in d0ing "s-0we-" t-hey are actual -ly divesting $$ f0r/m fr0/m the pe0ple that maid it in e be lea f 2 c0mpeat vs complete -4- no re as on e tu` be c0gnizant and c0nscienti0us 0 pen ly e.

take me f0r an X amp/le, i am culle-d- int0 the misrepresentation of "1" their postulation "2" provide affordable housing at the same "time" which was not indicated as time to steal from the people that care at the wheel and well.

i have to build a c as e, f0r e very e b/0d dy e apparent ly e, 2 apparently prove my inn0cents "2" their rapt-sure-us-ad-vances-

it seams to me an appology would be w0rth tasking, but the "das-poot" couldn't be scene as meriting ans advance f0r-k-n0w-e-b-0d-dye- i mean, if "it" were seen f0r e what it "is" e "x" cept-i-0n-all-ye- 2- displace the re all ti/me c aire takers ynthe s/t/able a stability e ma/ke care car rye in g's

in g-all t-his, avesta doesnot provide for artists here, unless they can own their value as "providing" for the artists merit, sh0uld they have any 2 advance, and if the d0 not, they are in the median of not knowing better apparent -ly, ans 0we s-ill ye with be left a -l-one

the m-0ne-ye- sent -oo-the-l-aw-yer-e-at pre-sent- is actually detracted from the artist 2 day T with

my time i am as with all ready defined 2 be in line 0n e the line with, is used against me "2" defend radically / with n0 0ne that has a t00th in their e b/rain : but that doesn't stop the "need" -2- compete-

it is my premise that competition knows no bounds just like (but in a different direction & a different end all t0gether e vein -0re- vain) spirit kn0ws n0 b0unds

the other crucial difference that sets the positioning of merit apart ... is the s-him e w-him, ie s-him-mer-s-aid- d0esn't stand 0n e their 0ne, t hat is why d-avid-0es-n0t-here- with re all ch0ice t0 w/ an 0ffering w/h0le

ie i sh0uldn't be at c-our-t- in the first p-l-ace- e"x"cept d-avid-s-him-dana-she-m-haul-lie-s-hem-c-harlot-t-e- = all trying vainly 2 look g0/0d in front of each other, -&- pen-all-eye-scene the 0ther (h)and / the re all 0ne.g. ain 2 be X p0se s aiD i/n e the l=landing's am e

bottom line, tm no matter the outcome, the story in my memory as mammory e g.landed will e go/ne as i can l0ve t0/0 vs just pre-ten-d- 0-w-e-


is it pr0per t0 l0ve 2 l-ie- f0r e y0ur e "s'0le" & 2 be seen in integrity 0f using the language, b.c. you try 2 be grammatically c0rrect 2 be scene 0-wn- lie- pr0-per-e-pr0se-per-ring- 2 be w/h0le ly e speaking apparent ly e s0w e & re p as T s0w/n act u all y e : she noted the gist of each message d-avid sent her, "2" c-ease -&- de-sis-t- using w0rds she used in her complaints to Avesta about me-shell saying about her to her face ie she knew d-avid p-lay-e-d- ir-t-ye- the first "miss-iv-e" she read fr0m the b-r/ave-less-par-tan-s-him- :

let me explain plainly, me-shell said, yelled rather and razed me in the 6am hallway for all to hear that "leaving notes is "vile" & "vulgar"" and i put "her" words (for noting that i & another person moved her art table 4") in my complaint to Avesta, and Avesta forwarded them to their lawyer, in part, because i subpoenaed all communique regarding me-shell and her complaint file for my court hearing to get a protective harrassment order.

It is spite 2 my 2 ears i eve n s0w e, ie i get that d-avid -s d-aphid-0n-e-r0-se- & he attempts -2- put a figurative th0rn in my thr0at -(as with any e b0dy that has an h0nestly earned 0at 2 thr0 at f0r a re as 0n e clear 0ne)

& n-0we hear-d-awn-scene-as-his-vanitye-while-he-wears-my-virtue-apparent lye s0we i can apparently be misread-in-sim-mylar-c0m-pan-ye-in the c-0ur-t-w-here-he-is-k-n0un-figurative-ly-e-speaking, and i think his-him g0t 0 g0, as "sh0wn" t0 me in re all i ty e w here he determines my breath does not rate the inherent right 2 pas/s/age his -e-vain- 2 app r0ve in every e thing e inn my 0wn Miss Stated pur vie w/ t0 eye sh0e D b.c0gnizant 0/f/f the gravity e up as take

ironically, d-avid-irecti0n-e-c-leer- stated i was "harrassing" with "character assassinati0n" reg"u"arding my emails enT -2- avesta- 2- s-neer- directi0n-all-ye-/-/with-0-m0re-z-est-ye-rest-0re-

just sayin t hat lit-t-le-d-e-t-ail- didn't skip my at ten ti 0n e, n0r the 0thers-at c-0ur-t- eye have still yet t0 me/nti0ne wel+l and fan g 0all anye ttu`per e pr0w te ven tw/h0(L) e`~

i am saying d-avid-s (-i-)reg"u"ard f0r "avesta" and "hollie"- t0-g-het- her-e- that he has known apparent ly e for-e "y-ears-e-" and "avesta is the best"-a-sir-p-ear-l-at-iv-e- he-l-d-0~v-e-r-t-me-in-k-n0w 0ne t0 speak 2 prime as th' math Le.g.it mute vein ly e re/ad/d 0ne the d0tted line drive t tu` surp-ass-the-d0"t"ed-lie-n- if/fi ty~e t0 me 0 pen ly e ven 0. ggin a cr0ss the plain & by e planar e ly ei:ie ven t0 me s0/ng a ware

fact d-avid- d0esn't live~r here w here he apparently pr0selytizes- aid- f0r/m- an/d- fr0/m a pure heart in c0re p0re ate D functi0n e & "his-w0rn-e-w0rk-2-sh-irk" d0esn't give him the p0siti0n e f0re c air ing f0re all fall 0 w e thr0ugh an D ye he/a~Day e with~ 0listic~ke~el ea f0re arm. 0.re in se as 0ns a w/ heather e f air e

just b.c. eve/n th0ugh i am n0t religi0us~t0ck all s0-le-nt-like-d-avid-acts-2-be-scene 0n e my are~ nt -2- under-t0w-t-"0wn"-ly-e- h0weaver eye can rec/re/at/e c0mf0rtably e clasp fe at desire aspree vails e/a ms 2 sh0~w/h0 s0 w/ears e th' cr0wn inn vest/e ad ew/(h)e all as s0w e & yew/e ft 2@0ne b/all/ants am0ng ust and 0 with said inn differents 2 sh0e sh0d sh00/d a may ke shape all a/s 0we. g.0 (af)f0rd in e my ears e g.w/hey e -x- cess- p00l-ing- in -ewe-r- un-win-d- p.r.i'me ti'me inn L as t if/fi g. eye ser a h(e)ad en 0's is heart u/be. g.i/ns hed0nistic/k e~ a/r/t/h0ly e w/it and irectly e "w/rit" eye s~chew/ ti'me X ceed in g lea n/inn directi0ne all y e t t`up sup per super thrU le X i c0n e thr0ne c0r0net in flue whence it' D0/wn & fall 0 w e t/tu`e sai De`ye Tern ight eye t/tu`de nudes~ sun rise a s0L eta w/heel 2 staret a w/(h)r0und si'm ply fi g.0/0d ayTable $$tart 00 t fi/n is h0 e s heave n s0w e b:be in relayTi0ne s hip 2'0 re laye s0/n e belay~s'Trait with a vert i call t/rail eaven D a Miss Stake 2 l0/0k Up awes a w/are ness nake-d makeye myT daye vane lie t0/0le lay e s/t/r/a/t/e 2 inn t0t0 t'ally e tu`mmy pr0w t'0ut

i didn't make your "miss-trust" in life, you learned it by ewe re "he-art"-2-0-p0se-2-ap-p0se-your pronounced in differ rents

f0re instance, 0n this fl00r all 0ne i can c0unt 4 pe0ple that are disgruntle-d- with the management -0- avesta-

it seems t0 stem fr0m the mit-ti-gate-d-irecti0n-e-t0-be- fued-al-l-and-0-0-r-es-ting-

he uses his k-noun- position -2- be-scene-in-the-lead- and most people would be less determined "2" quibble with the m-0ne-y-e- len-d-er-e-t-hat-is-all-s-0we-the-d0cuemen-t-en-d-er-er-e-vain-s-0we-g-0-

d0 y0u understand t hat by e n0w e t0 pr0 0ve my inn0cense f0r FEELING UPSET at this 0rganizati0n e that gives "shit" f0r an unjust-ad-vance- t0 me and plenty 0f 0thers here = c0mplaining in the halls -in-a-c0n-und-rum- t-hey-e-p-ass-s0n-ambulent- an-d-

0ne will never get back their e th0ughtfull investment : i am just saying, d-avid as -ave-st-a- has sent me 0ut 0f b0unds in my life, 2 re tain it write 0n e the line i sp0ke in pers0n e.g.iving valUe acc0rding t0 the image 0f said recepti0n e t-hat has ju-sty-fi-e-d- f-all-sel-l-y-e-

the re verse is t0 sh0w/ 0n/e pers0n e 0n"e-all-s-0we-" mileage is sheart 0n e the r0Ad 0 -0r- "0ne" pers0n 0n e in ame the "mileage" 0n e the-r0d is the "same" sounding, in the other "direction" e vain -0-f-f- "keeling" (by killing inn0cents fr0m the- st-ar-t- directi0n-e-ass-side-s-)

f0r/m/e the art-i-fish-all- cap-awn- all w0men is t0/0 "c-ease-san-d-e-sis-t-" sayinT and by e the "earnest" lie earned c0ntrast 0ss0 sayinT as "it" is say Tan and have the miss-m-ark w here x wear "it" as-him sight f0r seeing f0r/m/e~ vs being scene (f0r n0 reas0n e "x"cept t0 c-0ver-up-the re all / m 0ne ye may ke re ad d0ck u meant berth wake in mind sigh eye t 0 n0ses aid e )

d-aphid is "sayin-t" 2 destabilize merit 0f the inn0cent t hat may n0t be wise "t-0-e-" his-way-es-cene-"means"-ave-r-aging-e-very-e-b0d-dye-st-a-t-ist-ick-ally-e- // eye am sayint as d-aphid el-ludes- my sayint 0/0 stick f0re the n0./ta benefit 0 e very e 0n e

d0 yen & get w hat-e- is d0ing c0n-side-red- prime- is -2- daf-t- every e b/0 d dye t00 the naked 'ye (2 n0t ry e vein eye)

s0we "he" s-0we-s0n-0ne-w0man- an-d- he re-maine-s-pr0ut-an-d-pr0w-t- with0ut raising the adult-inn-fancy-st-ate-2-t-rait-1-i-0-ta- f0r the re all her 0 e.g. i'v en D f0ra kn0ther e Day T an eye way e

and s-0we- he- wants- 2- default my apparent right 2 bee seen virtue all y e as his "net-w0rth-in-pr0viding-mirth- by taking if fr0m the creat0r es in substance f air e in feeling the fl00rall a prime an d i'm e dayTable i

the veil 0f the nun still contains an ei w here.g.g can be.g.i've i/nn 2 ti'me ri~sing's and s0/n 0ne t0/0 thr0ugh 0 ne as e~be calm i/ns 0/me tm thing 0~ve


and so it is with trader joes, they do not actually provide for the standard they presuppose t/0/0 ver l0rd on you in follow thru -and- should you provide scope 2 the managment pay-per-view- (t-hey do not know why t-hey are inherent ly on top 0wn-lie-apparent-ly-, and t-here-fore- neither should you / in=t-heir-e-per-vie-w- hel-d- blameless apparent Lie as kn0w e 0ne can T0g thr-U- t-heir-ent-d- r00f-of/f/ my palate 2 pate & place pr0visi0nally e t0/0 dayT ryst-ru-e-)

t-hey-e-t-here-f0-r-e- provide "re-vie-w-" from their purse-0n-all- point of view, -2- re-cap-t-sure- you don't have a said right x write to/w it apparently thrU t-heir-u-l-e- as ray-k-2-&-ray-T-in-sue-0n-e-w-e-

trader joes wants your image of value, and should you desire to actually represent it with inherent merit, you will be subt-ly bumpe-d-ou-b-t- of t-heir-e-ha-bit-at-and w here x w"ear"se- t-heir im-b/al-l-ance -in-the-con-t-ainer -t-hey thin-k- pr0vides f0r e y0u 2 (?) (t-hey don't let your reside in h0nest th0ught and meritable t~and peradventure, conversationally st-and-ing-p-l-ace- 2- take a sp0ke 0ut 0f y0u f0re have in g A wheel 2 pursue

which means own-lie-t-hose that don't no bet tair are found "worthy" 2 pre sup pose 2 sell f00d as well as the land under t-heir fe-e-t- x fe-at-, at t-heir grocery store-use-e-

is not w hat it markets itself tu`be/a c0n e b/right ly e f0r/t/e just b.c. & n0w e cc~atch hatch & match 0 & actually in my engineereD fair et with re p as t in e wake ye f0ra l=l aterally and laterrally at the same be sp0ke n ti'me 0n e my lea n inn line. g.0ing f0r e warD actyl ly i p/rate t00 t-he-sit-ate- ye f0r an0 t her e/a d dye di/l/at e

and s0we it is with trader joes, they don't actually wear w/shares w here the cr0wn they sup p0se, and-make-you-wear-a-tan-nose-e-ither-e-way-e-ye-g0-

which can explain why the hub-r/i-s-takes-p-lace- and the d0wn right stupidi-tye- a-tan-y-e-t-rait-sh0-p/p-ed-0ut- f0ra-bet-t-air-e-sup-plie-r-2-set-r/ate-in-k-n-0-pen-m-ark-it-2-day-t-e-

fundamentally, trader joes does not treat its employees like the customer it apparent ly2k n0we s-and-runs-r0gue-f0r-any-jack-ass-et-up-p-lie-r-without a tooth 2 sowe

redundantly i prate to whole foods of late, that sent no response to my x0/kaizen c h/ang e purse

while their "store" sufficent ly stocks sewn products from women in need (and cannot be heard this far any e way e) around the word -in-di-gent-ly-e- ya(ch)-thin-k-


packaging is competing to b e scene for no reason 2 just be


the irony if maid to meditate as me di ate at actually is david does what he does 2 front the cause he doesn't believe in / off and meshell fronts the cause she doesn't believe any one is truly an artist among her con artistie

and avesta doesn't actually provide affordable housing they serve with affordable contempt if you point out they are squatters of any sane day rate yet 2 day t00 = even l ate

all "3" are preying on the least among t-hem-ire-0n-i-c-all-y-e-

to surfeit their "face" as apparently servicable 2 relay t in any waye


12/21/2017 notes from the draft added

that funny owled 2 a different outcome by income she said & carr ry day e on e non e hap pi fi/n e ten one legances & glances s aid inn advance sayes

bridgets too a lo-0k becon not exactly "go" as she said to put my foot down indicatively e tome

scott not to put real interest in his head, will not speak out for whht he too read with bridgeetttes retooling -calling me "aggressive" wither her infact -abel,t act doulble dealling len-d-her-depresion a pot head

afraid 2 compat because 2 busy compete 2 think can't sustain life that way not even between the sh e ats fxf as t 0 geTher e s0w e

and this is waht he marks with when he p's out his had - vainitys tream of never ending and re all re landing iven somethig said w/intention actually a met in the traid winds one self e one e one self e one may ke now LL kn0w e b oddye bb est 2 all a wayes 0we st aye ebbe st in the relay t in ship of erit ' allows me ar it i the ocassion e with and 0 gad ness 0we

david = ishould be happy with his ss-t-em-ic treatment = what part of this sane ly makes sensse 2 speak with for the beginning on merit i me ad 2 be all s0w e

the "whole" encounter he makes by the sim-pull -addition of his "self" presense" reduce numeral value univrseally speaking a corss the land to be a "fair" "x" amp /le of know e bbody allowed tme fine and dalliance (it would seam exceeding ly) 2 skeake naye honst ly be his relay T iones he see -k-s with no actually merit 2 speak all the life he "sowes" compe"t-i-t"ive ly 4 the want apparent ly, he throws one woman under the b-us-t- clear e tome allsowe tells me the virtue of what he will eat / again = dis honest ly & universeally s-pen-t- w/ a "necssary" culling so he doesn't seam shack 4 putting 0/ne + wh0 fact no spirt back in his "x" ac "t" "l" en "d" ing is hs no-gg(-a-)in-scene- s-landering - un-site- ad-2- make someone shere his mark of vanity for-e-m-one-ye-e- lending -as- he is gib bon white face and white hands is "just" the "p.r." (cast out ime) "man" x "fe-d" anything you want butt 2 even evein in you wewe w/xyz ed filed even in your he ad turned (doubt) in side out b.c. you c/an pro t in you own reflection if necessary si even s even new zealland a place ye myT may ke feed be d b ee n and Ben as a pure matter of speaking the mater separating teh cast from the cast out in his pineall g.land w/pre miss in it 2 pt outwhat went missing before he dissmisses it and before his b/rain grew gon-ads apparent ly e speaking before he had a relation ship as-scene f-ad-e-without another false undertaing-am-aid-ad-4-x-for-t-he-mad-e-unknowing-ly-e-x- "un-kno-wing-ly-e-" make the reap aire lep er-ad read in a reduction 2 knot compete -&- there -for- (ni/cate)n-eve-r-apparent ly have except a mistake a miss missive

that c-ain-t-a ct in the "language" as spoken-for-e-war-d- (2-tu be-the true representation of ist owndesire ie "desire" -2- be-in sane - &- p-ass on the "h/at" -2- "industriously" s-he'd- some one's vision n-ill-in-advance-

like i said davids "pen is" is atheortical tool to s-pen-is-ac-r0ss-the-l-and- where no love in follow thru is stipulated w/ actions w (h) eat 2 fall 0 w e thru t/000 just b.c. he can "say-e" he has "fam"-ill-eye-fam-e-2-t00-the-skye-vain-with no real interest in who he disregards 2 preface his apparent soul

scene as sane, but n-ere n-ear naye are knot t-rite-wirte hear- avesta never carred in the first place, they are just concernd with "building" a "man-am-e-" and occassionally need someone to throw udner there bus-t- for "show"

avest concerned with "bilding" -2-x-2-'s-x- t00-the-s-2-save face value no one hter is w/hey e williing too (h) ave and 2 have maid mye self seen e wth no where apparent 2 land to ole land the face t ' anned

leather soaking in b arks of tann ins process cannot tell what kind of skin it was come from e just by looking ironic as we all soak in the spew of -d-avid-s e-g-rates- carrty the riot person-al-ly-e- with his pen-is-ac-rooos the - land-and 9dan_-daye (honest ly-) the same vain "man" and he same seg-w-hey-e- 2- carry -riot (w/un be knonced 00r unprounced c are ing 2 c are) at -h-and-

honestly do not hink his vision is square, c lear, within he "kee's" ful-l sell x cell ly e vain- which is to say he kills across the land "unnecesserily" speaking on the back, front, and side of every woman he can "hunt" for his s-c-ulling m-ad-e-ness- this is literayyly su-pore-t-d-2-be-vie-wed as disposable

shuold i list he coutrys by count cant try 2 last and "1" how the womans vice is c-vere-d-up-e-e0n-e- & the consequeces 2 both nature and woman that do not have an honest sayy among "me-n" as off gassing sheer luny bin madness with the mask of sanities inn last ness 0le 2 s0ul excluding my right 2 re right and write and continue un till

his vanity-his sway-his d-lay- bridgest advocation is put my "foot" down for "appeaarnaces" sake= i will do the best with what g00d has given me L 0bviously e and you will where alllwayses what you have been when the mearure c am e measuring w/an eve in hand in your undertaking as my cast

like trees c leaves f0ra new growth 2 appear effulgent and unappologetic

you had a season t00 g row n & w here the b.c. r0w n ear ight

hunder taking as she sees cretiey - competain on yuor rend less he-ad- would be a grand stand worth re pen t ans h0w ma/ke 2 may T in g/land mamary 2 pineal 2 arterial l me d b l00d e te all a flush ed t hen start all over a gain & on the same miracle ten d 0ne me in e min e sat is fact i one all a pin eall 0we

which is also to show saye ans sway your industry "too-the-build" has no merit 2 day t and never will articulate 2 day t -as-u-p-rat-e-a fallen me as u/re you will-ed-thr-u-their-in-g-rate-2-be-he-ad- however i can take your "head" and she/ad lit sh/red & said ominpotently e tue ne min e 0wn 0w 0ne ven vision 2 be had and be gave 4 fore giving the "gif-pig" bac-0ns skin withot "hording" natureall forum of vision e with visiion in it, gif -pig " without ending ie without fallow e thru 2 be tu be a gif T (00) D (00) all 0ver eye. g. 0

2 any e 0ne w/a pur vie w 2 see k in g the st-re-am-in-g-s your-ass-lea-k-on-me-as-with any bodye fal-l-sel-l e-x-cell-i0-2-0 penly despise in my stated estimation 2 sire me-yes = without ending 4 waht you have -Len-D-in-g- (and you call your self "fod" f-ear-ring" you only fear being see for/t/he scen you have stipulat-d- o-n-e-me-

"you" therefore "hi de" high def / the "nature " of your s-kin-&- your rip-e-p-ass-vanity-speaking-unorth 0 doxically out your ass c leaving caste-s- -2- wn lie apparent -ly -e- follow -fallow - in re-past -as-sence as a bail b-ail-if-t- per hasps if your "need" make a for-n-ieye -cate-i-ne-e- of -f-it-e-tit-e- embarssed said an eye of you r every vein vain s-landering cull-to-0ur-for-k-illing-'s-t-ill-c-l0-

embarrassed said i am e of your every e"x" halation e vain - trasnpring the "h0" you apparent -ly (lie) know into h0--ly-one-h0-lie-or just plain h-0le-2- merit s-core-by-re-mem-bering-mo-re for no one w/an oar 2 sor and engineer nor as a precedent and wake to leave yu as your sup por t in the open plains you breathe "hall sowe" in vaine

2 leave you plain ly vain as your name 2 be re noun coun "ten" ants aim e without ending

i can revers trend the whole world ("history") on e one charge riding your large "s" large ly a ware in my habit at e making b/road ar e circles for more reap air e in for every dishonest a/b/0/r/t -ye-re-t--t-0-r-t- "actually" to me being seen gc e0 f/f/ completions x compeation bay e be a st0w e

and being known for my habit at habit at e across the land found fond ly e your "ta/ke" makes my ray ke unviversally seen wehe it douwl be diminshed on "purpose" of your vainity -own-lie-2-suck=-see-d-tu be - unscene-st-ill linked 2 -you-vanity-2- not-speak as one mad en eeds as desire for all life eed id act i/c/ b/right an have it merit is level lever ever e lasting as 0w e g0 p0re relatively in advance as eas 0we's h0 we

** case lode conversations only one that will amke or take your daye and they left me h-ang-ing---f0re my e time t0 teall in advance 2 lasteth eaven s0we g0

s-aw-log-w/-the-ad-in "destinatin" nation evain e in re poch - u- pation -&_ can agree 2 agree to waht eye tell thee eye may only have L/50 one to give to meir the day however ye love 1+0 in attention 2 give celling the way 2 appreciate stated well int land as p/l/ac~e ed e/b t0 gr0w e

appreciate it to in whole a tt entione 2 pass on/off my wheel ly 0f ----- with no neg-lig-ent-s-sayes scenee - stremain wt hi t

this makes me virtually mer ry e translating 2 my evens day acting to purse soot h e all the way thru too thee ave n saound fpr of inreflection 2 virutually u right write 2 & be the mother daugherr lover virgin prostites of very "man" et tu be amon~c nature ly speking my name/game d 0pen ly e

g0n-ads a c ross the land my find other contries not trying to c-compete-for-attention-e-vain-2-x-"t0/0" (pur sue no reall value)

dog start 2 felect the sun bildt it getting mo on

what is importans tom me is of cours the vecor xyz however the with re w/xyz with which one speaks in the nexus 4 x force make relevant direct current 2 currency w/hinges to alternately rebuke the cast -off- 4-hi-re-did-act yl ly con spi re for higher b lam e les ly e in the open eye maid

arid seed wont grow west dewed dy e ast re mot e ly e ye think 2 too the quick w/ hinges 2 speak as oa ver bc ast 0f/f/ 0/0d~0ve in c0re p0re ated awareness b.c. you c/an s 0we b/right

con nem force reason eye present with myself e vein e.g.ate at thy yoni ...

charlotted d-clawed- yet rpese"t"able 2 make an imp ass pass as frass-0d-d- saw-ed-one-

s -make-merit-seam-"less" e -vain - a-cr-ss-t-me-lee-law-st- w know actuall lee gal l0p e representati0n 2 last as~seen for awareness "you" do not get to -leg-it-tit-2-your-scope-less-power of no ware ness scene for p-ass-es-h0-all-s-

i put my dog on my bel ly e t tu speak form e with every et thing ye can see and asnwere actually ein the open e one one

tenat -eviction-say unsoliced-cahrolote deaminaor harrassing petty, david endoorses avesta "best" only by demeaning my present resense with presceint to-sue-with- on my p/lat/e of merit -with

he has no open value one his own to stand on solo "2" gam-bit-l-ee-w no x ample maid own lie "x" -2- )owent-towet-t-akei-don't -know-there fore i take framing) plate as t a steady-e- uniterupted state- or i set pen-all-i-s-it-

there fore to have set up a program too profer from "one" eduncandy as -re dud ant me-

me veing lye eve and the is is for the poeple under all eaves evenly by enveing .... eye speak 2 re tr e re t re at e for m e x clusive ly e

level eve leaves

any day x place even virtually e as w present ly in person soo see k ex c/use e fe re all i tye dont thiank there ever was a christ to become one as it is obvious to me

that if there were a spirtuall ay man lam an there is no actually conter for/t/h in to just be justly i don't think there is a realll b.c. or a.d.- as "you" will not let it just be w/ a place 2 inhabit sustainably x know belly e among you b/road sides

as knoiwng as meaning something a ware extra ordinaar eye for just breathing i think the "bc" ad" bs is st-ate-d--2-distract from the -drea-that is all readin in yur -he-ad-s-tipullated-pate-d-and-paraded-as-relayted-ead

dead-id-ed- doa on-arrive-all- caint- meet own lie-me-at-e- whati "i" "ye" t see wont let speak ettu ne me et actually x actauly openly w/ re t re at e as n deavor is ew/ nee dee ed idi ly e w/ what i have 2 work with apparent ly to make therent you accuse me of fal-lsell-ye-lie

we can go round and round in my plant pate x plate as "you" do not have the cir/le cell and you do not have the measure ly d well

eye am ovary min n u/te of every e ni on w/ake make from/e a knew knota sawed of /f/f rone tally all sowe and serving/every? yet mye to meet ube openly speak kin nere t gal i lee d eb to me and make a meall a fort "force"? and forme with heave haves redng without ending appaently cc leaves ending for mournig cough-fee-marusts das boot my w/hey

mad a fairly stong case eve e X is Ts eve speak to me to tome w/(h)and if fi /vie per sist / cyst i am eve in ly with 2 peaople under go/od eb tw/h0 0ves

4 feat on the found ground, fair and square in the all a round

and p-laced-under -2-plunderedunder never dering d0-rod-e-in miss mist 2 ste ton e with e Uphamism universallly speaking t with twigs if fi sift w/ift the habit of all around me w/it 0ut s tan ding

the "rod" in idnea e "x' pose -d- = her vital 2 be hole-d- withuot a word in advance be spoken & nareye a pray p-rat-e-d-2-advance any where = sell women out 2 make wh0re -some-lving-0ve-g0re-in-civil-lie-speaking-2-despise-thier-0-vary-s-ides-you make law for them 2 be sceene own llie -2- abid-e- in your -"eyes" as "virture" st-reaming-int0-your pocket withap less pur view -2- rocket- t00-thin-s0cket-= sell women out 2 make hore livign of/f/ each woman sowe 2 hope fully (h) own and (hone) & make he honeye ble w wholine in one l + love

pin the weight less "pri sim" n-it- to o the now-ail n-ail he presumes "2" mert with by making "it" 0 g0t-taw-ant stuck in a habit @ he can on lie knowwck-couch a-hem-a-men my ass 2 ride ven & a gain &

good morning has own lie been stipulated "one way" "2" "be" a-gree-d-g00d-mourning-act-u-all-ye for someone that believes in your pre-med-i-tated "face" se at ease 2 speak free ly (as you erase thruth from faces 0ul) your false face is the depreciation of every g0/0d person ettu' day T and i do not and will not appreciatte falsely he "lie" you have sol-d- me by not representing your mareking and apparent cognizant demeanor 2 ray T "vs" rat-tel-and-s/hake-in-e-every-e-waye- with vert virtue for "you" apparent ly -&_ nohint across the land for any one ye one one 2 be lea fi/n what is the pr"0" blem did you god tell you to shut up e-e-ven? jut wondering becasue ye can t re e st re e t ste am/in g's & sowe one ever after mouth pallate sea river rafters nave all graces ight skyes and dye f/aster/s wth fe/at hers "you" have not maid one thing w/hinges all re addy 2 just be 2 just be among yet t0/0 unforntunately as you reap m/one//ye -and re-place-by diss place mer -it-2-day-t-brdigette-make TB a disease virally with every gew-gaw-bread-th-e-s-he-take-& does not act u all y e re place said person all y e at any t/rait 2 trade comfortably et tup per sup per vs the last-sup-per-ring-

not hap pi for a reason do not make ie as and with reason 2 just be among me . yet "you" p-rat-e- your souless self as the median at the very least trat of self sufficeincty e ttu "pray" (by preying on/-ad-son-g00d people fore "you" -2-cull-and-displace- fr your pate 2 have no emedy apparent LY? 2 re place nad plate an actuallly heredity in the make in herently ey Miss Stake pressing on me

pauls aws zall ethics to miter corners that he can appaent ly et away with, is davids abort -2- tort 2- pre-face-a-report- an-d-rap-port- and tan go re all ef/fort lum p sum in the open all man should actually hae frown 2 greet each "one" of them-and- not a king glance fore wemen-as- "you" didnnt make appearnces seamless eveing ly (evain yes)relaty t ing eving lye wth sing ame ly eye in sis T frme any e way "a-miss"

debt ome in literally su stain ability i am the gap -in- hab- it- at that ort se am too think in between the (re)se-men-inc "you" and -y0u- the unknowing fence per-pet-u-all-ye did not make it in fall ow e thru me & nowyou need ebt wh0 2 redeem forthcoming lee per 0ne pers 0/n e

sharon redady e -t-roll and aye e.g0 h20 you made rich 2 relay t with eaven pre ten d in g/h0st lending you per sisted so make it ap parent and let it g0, your e rose was love r after sT'all as rich all sowe has a p/parent 2 pro of e in knowing one st (h)roat

love is 50/50 in the dna informatin exchange ladder to make love well and e whole lye however it teks at ten tione 2 roll e.g. it ie R is an X ans w/hear yet a text w/ meaning full b.c. you spea kup so owe w/illing lep fully e sowe inc orporeated ady t. low and dwed to/ok know e (h)ad wheyed in sera pro tie n0w inc

i am the act w/heel among am e can sowe throat 2 restore my T ak/ke wi'deye daw/ake in my time i have meade with stake sowein sowe w/are in prow t out relax as a fit 2 resottre and retail a more a moor e in e xperience over time nd ear

merit is my ste ad teed fif kneeaded for all the word reas as place breahe in comfort land i.d. c lea re




i d0nt kn0w much ab0ut the law -e- but d0 k n0w e being hung 0ut t0 dry e c0nversationall ly e which is t0 say-e-w/h-itch e way d0 eye "want " "2" be sucker punche-d- 2- day-t- &- 0wn it with0ut breath e(ye heard 'h0ne' ve/in ly e t0/U/r e lay T~it ans hip) it an/d e w/h0~wn e the righ~t0/0' say 2 d-avid under "god" he actually e despise men sublime ly, as with the peep pull- under "god" the "same" the d-e/b-t- is his-aw-all et "2" s-him-it-tu`-hue~ talking in the relief e with n0 eXpediency 2 tell vs te-l-l-e-in-g-c-as-te-thr-u-e- car-rye-ri0t-2-miss-pen-t-an-diss-pen-see-t-ee-d-0-f/-f- any e 0n e true f0r e all y wanting 2 apparently as place be sp0ken are resident' r0se r ar0und e/b the n0se 2 my eye t0/0 the s0und g0/0d' s0w e n0w e takes hap e t0/0 sh0w e.g. 0 stipullated by and buye the hands0me t'let t'air predicateD aye with sigh t actually e see ms ing c0n tin u~nity e pb r0ads ides idus as 0/m~uch ly e pr.i.d.es Tall at m00r0ws hall~0w/ startings 0w ein e with and dy e ttu`pr0 fan d/in/g true in fleshy e tude 2 car rye the a daye as p0ken thrUm min sUm e c0/re ti/n am e seen sample in ly e speaking's~aim

specifically, the day of court, the judge offerred the 0pti0n 2 communicate in the l0bby, and c-harlot-t-e- delaye-d- and said we would sheepish-ly speak with d-avid, as s0/n as he g0t 0ut 0f the c0urt r00m apparent ly e, and i sat with bridge-t-t-e 2 my right in a h0rse sh0e configurati0ne with a t able t0/0 eye am n0t sure why as it se-am-s-2-lack-re all meaning f0r/m/e just sayin 0 pen ly e

b-ridge-t-te- first seamed friendly, she smiled back at me in he court room i n0ticed her fake tan on her face and body e, and i didn't kn0w wh0 she was just s0me0ne friendly e, the man sitting next to me menti0ned D-avid- Chamberlain in the pew e (david really didn't slay g0liath in myT i'me reflecti0n e that is f0r e certain) (t-his is a con-tin-u-ate-ti-0n-e- 0f the fi-b-(er) f0re being scene (h)ave in g cl0! thing apparent ly e t0 t0g e t/her e st-re-am-a-lig-n-ed- 2 - misconstrue his fiction foe her fantasy on his di-me- "2" be made -2- hel-l-p s-him-0f-maul-things-mall-e-vain-e-nd-0-a-gai-n-ever-e-mending-even-f0r-the-speaking-f0r-war-d-ing-see-n-0w-e-was-)scene making for re-el-0!-ve-ye- with -0-pt/i-0-ns-e-gal-l0re-s-h0p-pin-g-all-ift-i-me- in commune all directi0nall a stride with nap ap and h apparently - n0 re all c0mmunicati0n e f0re ac(h)ti0n e 0n e the wh0le di'me t0 e 2 by h e a r t h 2 0 ch00se with fall 0 w e thrU t0/0 x 2 integrity e with the same ti'me pr0 fan d ly all i've very ein ear h0use w/h0lme in c0re p0re ate d aye t'week n0wing lee we di.d. mat~terra 4 x f0r era in/c by the way e st~and e/b tw/h0 DayT in e f0re nap kin e m/s aye t0'0le x ligh tm etier 0ar advances ax/le an 0 redundancy e cc0mpeat eyes naked lye w/~ may/ke 2 at 0ne t0/0 th'all 0 we fall 0 w an/d/er ans~w/(h)ears and~s~hares t0g eT her e vein~s we d beck 0n e c/lea/r e all t0we in vein spirit L c0me all 0e f0 am r/0ne 0f/f e im a ware app/le st ag/e/rst while t here vein f air e lye

in the h0-arse sh0e d-avid is giving me a rapturous "choice" to m"0"ve the 31st of January in the sur-ly-ear-0f-the-L0re-d-avid-j-ustiffies-him-me-d-s-p-lend-0-0-r-e- drawn 0ut -2- apparent ly-i-make me "sir-render"? -a-ware-t0-? pr-i-me-?-all-s0w-e-? w/h0~ut a d0-dub-0ut-? by asking me to "gather" and "c0llect" m'eye th0ughts-el-lse-w-here- b/u/y~mysellff eye must a d00r e wine di.d. t0/0 t/in reflecti0n e t'ap p/r0ve in skin e all a re/ad~dy e in vite tu` (s-0we-he-c-an-re-fuse*(-2-wayes-miss-pen-t-either-e--h0-r-e)-as-aye-gent-he-as-e-the-"right"apparent-ly-4-the-re-m-as-king-in-di-gent-lie-n-2-n-ad-vancing-) as b-ridge-t-t-e-c0n-vex- s-pine-less-ly-e re-lay-D- t-hey-e- h-ad-ruth-ers-pen-t-any-hoo-haye-thrU me w/art-i-fi-c-i-all-a-writ'-i/re-g"u"ard-ry-e-s-ac-t-hear-t-an-d- supple conversati0ne f0r -k-n0w-e- reas0n e t-hat c-an here apparent lie-define-t invi0label ly in fr0nt 0 me in my own time to actually speak appreciably 2 n0 0n e by (h)eart(h)0 me just fine just b.c. iss a me t hat eye ten 0n e b/right heart h

i can T re member if i said it, as the b-rush-0ff-2-sel-l-ective-ly lie "s0~me~me~m~uch" my mind eye may have brushed it 0ff as 2 have said it in my ears and truth in lay e the same in ste ad e pear~0 w hat i was at least thinking, wile t-hey- fictional-l-eye-zed- the b-rush 0f-f- i was transiting t-heir bull shit with an innear bi te & w hat i said t0 me vein the very least is : This Case is the 0nly Case that is g0ing t0 make y0ur Day 0re Take it away. Like I said, I can T re member if I said it, however, the energy I br0ught -2- the re-dud-danceye- lein-ing-f0r-war-d- t hat energy was all re ad dy e felt in the w0rds i was c0mmunicating, en0ugh f0re b-ridge-t-t-e- t0 l0se her fascade 0f friend-ly-e-ness-2-fid-get-t-e- like t-hick pe-g-in-near-st-ri-fe in my reflecti0ne true -&- change-d-p0siti0ns fr0m being at my left side 2 n0w being a cr0ss the t-able and cl0-sir t0 c-harl0t-t-e.

he must have me an T cull ect in anew e dialect e~ anye way e i was left for sleeping t here, as several hours passed, asked b-ridge-t-t-e w att up! and she wasn't as friendly e n0tice ably e & didn't have answ(h)ere p.r.i'me, and s0w e ye walked acr0ss fr0m e where she s(h)at-e- 0n e m'eye Ti'me as ift it were her last shit to shift the last shim in the wh0rld with a wi-fi-if-0n-eye-c0uld--be-ef-0und-r0w-n-e-d-s0und= 0ne the same l-edge-r-e-pay-per-e- b/ringing caca f0re (-L-)0b-serve-ate-ti-e-0n-ati0n-inc-est-u-0/us-ly-up-sup-press-ed-ata-ten-ti-0ne-"sub-prime" the "m-one-ye-l-l-ender" -2- rest0re -2- x- 4- t0-0-le-x- peer-eye-n-c-e- f0-r-t-an-0-t-her-e-day-e-all 0n ere 2? re p0re t i'me

a pri0r i must menti0ne das b00ts ynthe re flect~i0n e w/hi'll and till e pr0w tan t'all

did you kn0w the weight 0f ants 0n the human a planat as any adam ant ic? tis true, ants and humans share the e X act T same weight pear~0 ne a different f0/0t print actually e nature 4 l0ve lea p in e all e directi0n e vein ly e.g. pear~0 e vein e the asp ire all is kewe-d- f0e m-0ne-t-ar-ye- re-duct-i-0n-e-the pi ne. g.r0ws t00 the sky e and the pineall g-land is s-landere-d-a-cr0ss-ty-me- by e the scene-land-er-e-vain (caution, he c-ain-t-sup-port-his-pre-miss-)with0~ut re t0r t as Pre Miss 0/n ear 0ne

das b00t, why 0 why d0 eye delay e: 0k~ w hat i am kn0t 00 the telling t0dayT is w hat hap pen D between w hen we were sup p0sed 2 speak and w hen eye was acke-d-2-c-leave (funny h0w-ed-ur-ess-t-werks-in-the-work-weak-)

i think this will sum e up the "4" "character" "wit" less "ness" s-aye-s- d-avid has menti0ned 2 pine tree lee gal, but n0t name ly e that he in-ten-d-s-2-use-against-me-

first what was stated was the move (for no reason you see) (made up-awn a diletante re-m-ark -2 due- "something" vague-lye- concerning my art in the art room in a place that supports artists supposed ly e, as/tated be the read.

first ly e this must be why it is frowned upon in other countries 2 give women an education apparent ly e as aye with uni-verse-al-ly-e- re lay T in g as y0u can see the t-rubble it gets you f0r just paying the attenti0n et 0/U/r/ e ad: i 0 pen ly e th0ught (the next stepp in dulgent ly e with regard e/b t 00 the t re e t'aught 0p) 2 be lea f the re ad.

d-avid sat d0wn t0 my left, and c-harlot-t-e- was -2- his left. b-ridge-t-t-e- acted nice and pleasant' lent, but d-avid and his-steall-as st-all 2 have me move (by with and f0re n0 re all a re as 0n 2 be 0bserveD), well n0, i have t0 say e as a matter & mater 0f fact t hat Eve maid ew/~hit with pre sense sentient and i tanned his art-i-fact-

not to be "2" verb0se apparent-lie-ly-e- , i did adv0cate when he wanted me to "forecast" another "day-T-i-would-move-at-his-sh0w-gun-pt-deflecte-d-eb-t-0-0-c-0ur-t-eat-e-very-e-t-hinge-t hat eye ma/ke, that i didn't cull a l0(c0st) cust 0 mer e base as-he p-rat-e-in-g- every e pers0n t hat d0esn't want to compete f0r n0 reas0n apparent-lie-ly-e-without-hesitating-a-gain-apparent-lie-ly-e-w0rth-re-stating-un-t-ill-ewe-get-0-u-r-e-way-e- (which is w hat is being t-augh-t-00-the-pineall-g-land- which hasn't landed 2 day T, and i think it is the pr"0"blem of the rem mer / the rim mir / r0r / mem0ry e remember ing am m/a/m marry e.g. land e/b t0 me as s-aid-avid-aye-w/0n-t- 2 have t'an eye 0ther e way e (& as f0r mam mary e t hat isn't mer ry e act u all y e with "kn0w-w0n-e" -2- Day-T-e- & - be-a-c0n-side-re-ad-b-rave-f-ace- t0/0 the face) ("you" sue -t-'miss-stake-) (re-rou-t-ed-an0-t-her-e-waye- as l0ng as your hands are gib b0n e white twith igh e w/hite faces ap parent ly e m/aces*with the recipe f0r t races (mace t0 fly in the face 0f the miss read -awn-per-p0se-g-ain-n- 0r the p/lace ye shield 0~ve nut me.g. c0/0k ies end)

d-avid has the nerve to p-rat-e- that i whould-sh0uld-be more -elevant with my online musings. he doesn't call it w0rk, he uses the comment to de-fine- with-his-why-high-eye-can T eye f0recast when i will be moving, as i can f0re cast m0st certainly i d0 n0t have the m0ney, the car w0rking, the means, a d0g, etc, i d0 n0t have w hat is necessary 2 afford the g-ap-e- in his s0l-d-0n-large-"S" -2- deman-d- w hat i haven't earne d act u all y e, 0n e the same premiss he-rds-me- - - - -

i have a pr0blem -e- with ispr-e-e miss 2 n0t hear me -&-st-and-0n-e-m-e-comfor-t-able-ly-e- with c-harl0t-t-e- & b-ridge-t-t-e-

the way "bridgette" looked at me in the beginning, seemed to be the administrative awareness of pi-tey-e-2-be-a-m-aid-easy ? queezy ? industri-all-s-leazy-e- f0r/m/e & after I started 2 speak, it looked as if c-harl0t-t-e was trying to peep an eye 0 pen 2 per haps list-en listless-lye (w hat d0es it matter if the people you are talking 2 are asleep relay T ing 0re naught apparent ly e f0r a lly e 0ra l-ly e : 0rally e we d0n't speak in 0/r sleep, per haps in kin nere t d re a/m s, just the same d/rain c-harl0t-t-e- is not thought well of here at 0ak street l0fts, i hear this from many a ten ant, some where between 0btuse and pedant-ic-k- 2 ab-use- & i understand w hat is being said in my 0wn experience with -er-r0r- e vain -&- a-gain-

i c-ain-t- help her he-l-p-c-laws- re just say in. it didn't start 0ut that way per the mer ight eye see k 2 say, and say tan 2 w/hear w/right a ware (i am a ware vein ly e 2 spar/e t0/0 le ye h/ave all re ad dye maid in spade s/h0vel in g's paid = the d e/b tm ust be pay ed / if i think "you" are feeding me shit-ile-ly-e-m-aid, i d0 have the inherent right as reas0ne t0/0 the say ab0ut face vein industrious ly e vein e w/hen "yu"do not qualify as a pre tex(yz)t 2 a suffix 'ly' 0f f0rming any relati0n ship in re all i ty e in kni/t

p.s. did you notice, besides "pray"ing-t00-the-jud-g-e- that my apparent meant could legall-ye have forced entry to mer-right-serve-me-pay-pe-er-s-, d-avid, alls-0we p-rat-e-d -0ns-aid-pay-per- that i pay him "money" 0r was it m 0ne ye, f0r the service he requires that i be irrati0n-all-and-0-0-r-e-t-ire- p-ass-sieve-ly-e- like c-harl0t-t-e- use-u-all-y-e- *

that is why it is notable w hen she rises too the 0casion with interest / it tells me her d-rif-t-directi0nally-e-2-make-haste-as-tracti0n-e-relati0n-all-ye- & from her i can e"x"pec-t- be-have-i-ors- com-mon-t0-0-the-hun-thin-king-b-r00d- 0r- b-road, if t-hey-e-h-ave-success-ful-ly-e-p-ass-a(i)d-0n-e-t-heir-l-0-d-e-n-g-0ld-

that said she has changed directions with the recertification papers i asked for, but she st-ill sits d-c-law-ed- next -2- d-avid "the d-eb-t-l-ender-an-d-ecisi0n-e-m-frac-t-aker-

i spoke some where h/ear x here earlier about the energy about being in the front. d-avid plays on this being scene, ie people do not want to put the energy in to competing,with s-him-and-the-law-uss-y-e- most likely, and i am certain d-avid kn0ws t-hat, re the st-age-in-g-theatrics -2- be -regard-i.d.-eed- f0r-something-seen-apparent-ly-e-relevant-2-making-virtu0us-money-e-4-the-up-k-eye-p-ewe-can-0-g-g-in-n-see-inn-your-self-use-in-g-and-re-fuse-in-g-

s0w e when i ran in a pack of athletes, the top in their field at nationals, there is energy in the lead, ie being seen, there is all sowe responsibility, the metering the ins and the 0uts, (the pace with heart rate with practiced t rait the sway 0f 0thers ar0und you the reed = in all it is a matter of being pre sent e t'ude in a c0ntinu0us 0/ng 0all den // f0r/m/e X perience in a race = b/ringing c b est'rait'dayT with c0ntinuity f0r e living in the utm0st m0ment a stake hap pi ness in self sufficiency may ke f0r e warD say T, & that stake predicated state 0/m in/d find faith e with ability e t0/0 habituate p0ssibility e with and (h)ewn e merit en 0f/fe in purp0se kn0 wing ly e the 0ther w/hinges 0f "missing" my mark 0 desire for a-miss-m-ark-act-u-all-y-e- w0uld kn0 t c0ns pi re all i tye f0r/m/e with w hat i pr0 0f/f/ the track literally e seen e f0r/m/e~

sowe i remember the positive energy, rising to the ocassion to make my mark as my desire as the day may deem eye necessity e, and i remembering flourishing in the energy of being seen of being the front runner of my dreams~tipulated pre sent ly e, and consequently i do understand the energy d-avid has to be scene (and i think it is -0re-ly-e- overate-d- actyl -ly- actually e // f0r the same saying & brea t hing e with0ut a ware ness and empathy f0re pr0 vie d in g w hat it takes 2 just be the cause you would like to see bee & b.c. seen in every e t hing e)

nonetheless he is pulling a d-raw-on-energy- tu-be-gat-be-he-st-at-in/ter-rest- fr0/m the deserve in g, d0 in the same s/hi/t every e day e with no day T'M ay ke~sing c0ntinu0usly e with any e b/0 ddy e

i bring this up because, i stated, besides not having an "advocation" that supplemente-d- me from not amounting 2 much in relativity e, and unlike d-avid and his come-for-t-able- culling on people that do not want to compete for no reason to be scene-0wn-lie- and consequent ly, i cannot forecast with relativity that he himself is not giving me s-him-ed-comfortab-ly-by-she-shims-0n-either-side-w-him- i 0ffered 0f course that he could argue to agree, on his own time use e, i did erst while effectively commune ye c/ate that i am giving you a choice, and i require a choice as well. to move when i want 0/0 & let that stand well.

i added that i am the needle, last straw, hay et 0/0 teall, and along with that i tried to relate to visually conspire, i lifted my booted leg to the side of me and pointed to my inn last on my sole make, positioned by d-avid's he-ad eye place

and said, i require a choice to put my soul, drawing finger acr0ss my meridan fr0ntally, let s0le with my inn last Miss Stake

d-avid said i made him nervuos because i was very atheltic / i doubt he knows what the honor abel ly means t0 me pear0 he-thinks-he-kn0ws-every-thing-and-that-is-sufficient-2-push-2-make-a-bust-in-t-0n-e-me- 0 pen ly e

i repeated the same thing as i lifted my leg, with my black b00t p0siti0ned 2 read with inn lasting impression ear d-avids he ad,

if do not give me a choice effectively telling me there is now where for me to rent as with m 0ne ye s pen t to rent soul let sole inn step even heard effectively tellin me now erere 2 go to all sowe now seen in the relay T all sowe

for which b-ridge-t-t-e supplied vain=ly-e- to "put your foot down" ironic all y e as -t- read

bridgette all-so-called-the bailifts when she and david hung me out to drye as they drive ie if scott had not come over, i would have probably not had an option but to accept a move-0ver-an-d-0u-b-t- day-t-

scott and i talked, i expressed my anger as face, and bridgette called 2 balifts to her across from me and said to them i was being "aggressive"

now after i talked with amy stewart at pine tree lee gal, and it was late in the day to make a motion for representation and continuance, (which of course got me think ing about davids d-lay-in-g- & made me angry e b.c. i really do not like his p-ar-t-i-c-u-l-l-ate-in-g-scene f0re meaning which i am astutely supplying as he is pre ten d in g 2 be wh0le in his h0-al-l cout-en-ant-s-e-e-m

after meeting with amy in another room, i saw david on the way out and i relay T'D how i was Deep Ly ChagrinneD, with the energy of re all convicti0n e & D-avid, in his manicure-d- way- of-"fair" "ret" "t" "in" "g" a Mistake constantly "2" make "t0/0" his-ad-mire-f-ace-

i knew his hanging me out to dry on my own in a conversation to apparently 0wn, that he was doing it on purpose, that when i express my anger re all as it is, and as any 0ne in any day eraTe should be 0bliged 2 express in a way that makes wit ness the conclusive meaning of the word itself s0wn 0ver a peri0d 0f doing the same s/hi/t within as with0ut.

these are his wit-less-ness-him-med-2s-hi'm-

these are their "aggressive" "0"b-lie-gate-ti-0ne-scene for st-and-in-g -2- ste-all-ent energy from the re all a w/heel

it goes without saying i sh0uld be angry with this "ray"-"king"

with d-avid -a-l-l-0ne- ye can re write the w0rld hist0rye and let the rec0rd sh0w, he was with0ut an (h)0nest h0(u),

and the "wholle" course of history has been as s-how-

think of the inn fancy of the young korean leader that kills his dads brother, ie his uncle because he didn't clap for him public-ly, d-avid simple has the at-ten-u-ate-d-inn-fancy-e- 2-metier-apparent-ly-e - more- civil-ly-a-ware-0f-w-hat -a first w0rld spin-central-coun-t-ry has to 0ffer 2- save-vile-ly-e-reap-pair-e-


it was the unctious reed, the smile came to easily, as he bent back away from me, even though he was several feet away, he was surrounded by others,i didn't step into their cirle he was in, and he swayed back to all attention to the swhay w- the w-he-y-e-as tm ad e vain

david waht is allowed to be scene /seen in own merit actually, vs cherry pick 2 build a casa against me your people under god make god in history as infamy and fam ill ly premise as pre miss hasn't land soul 2 sole inn lassting refletion action as x actully e some t ether e tf0ur e f0r e sh0re t hinges ly a suffix for relations hip you see and use e very thing w be not as a com-mon "mistake" 2-make-0b-scene-4-the-money-l-ending s-lander-ing-his-nat-ure-2-true sun -ly- endowing to wast my eforst as made actually maid continue in my name ven even 2 same

for me the pineall (h)as alas (and all axis) no premise 2 with and stand in alas-sit-say-c-c-learing the frame-in-0r--2-disappear-it-upon is first miss pronouncd s-aid spirit which is the true cost of industys-mear-it-an-y-e--way-e-

for the law to work industriusly lee gal needs l0ve 2 bee seen accourting ly e as t re e t some rit rising eye sir rings


davids shim sham game as gave to me is to make every woman responsible to him use mis use every e thing, that i cannot stand on my own, and since i aparently relayed to meshellthe time of day i had, i am 2 be mistaken the same frame as hollie con-t-en-d-s-2-con-sen-t- hat i should be x pen dabel as ay-e-t-s-aid-

david doesn't believe in a redeemer that is why hee can be a b-ravelawyer, not hinking of the repercussions literally and figuratvie for someone else to go without their h0 clothes as aid be n0ted f0ra m0re

and meshell the ironic on artist, doesn't belive any one is "true" or was it t-rue- artist thru her sh0e (she does notacttually own, yt-per-cyst-x-sis-t-0n- 2 - make "one" in "on" "e" observations -hues-

avesta, doesn't give a crap shit about your ass, it grates 0n, with appearances said as made 2 believe d 2 day t, and usually would go without paying a price for shitting on its g0 0d residence jsut for the same saye to breath air and e x hum~it~ 0n e the same p/l/ace .g.ain e the truth just like "you" x "ew/e/" and "yew-e- with only lie pa-p-er-vie-w-e-e - so avesta is honest-ly selling x celling relay T able 2 bel lie the bel ly in time, they appear to represent and ad mire, with contempt -f0r-t-h-e-re-"higher" with direct relevance t00the person they c-as-t-on their on fi -re-0re they would have allready done somehing more significan T as with swift directi0n as action 2 x -2- now make n0 0ne traction, justlike me shell, again w-h- the y hold me account-able -&- uncouth-able-for actually haveing with write x right 0 pen ly be angry at the con-tin-unity-e- t-hey - pre-serve- 0n e t'each and every 0ne tu be depress aid "some" -as they s-ly-ly- k-eye-p- consittutions apparently pr0 wt, with the squatting -0ver-their-and-t-here- sh0ulder . that is not really d0ing any rea ll work to speak of with said Miss Merit in ste ad c0mpeating on their fore gon ad conclussion that hey have the "right" to take my space as i proovided with my own spade as had e t0/thr0 at! s-lee-p- wall-king-0n-me-"tre" luck -t-an-t-ly-e- love is the spirtuall pre miss us s/p0ut 0/m e n d-avids-w/-h-inning-st-reek-s-mell-pell-m-ail-ee-spirit-c-leer-0ver-it-e-tit-e- 2 be heard speaking pontificatings pi rate and not out his rear with earnest inerest -2-c-lea-r-e-f0re-lan-ding-0/n-ads-neer-e-

sowe i can explain my self until i am apparently daft in the head, and they will vainly say to my soul et sole in lasting renderings to put my foot down in ste head. i think i heard herd that incorrectly e vain send

there is no "enemy" just a ne my e with n0 0ne 0ver e X p0se d -and-s0w-e-we-s-0we-

the m-oneye-lender-is-the document-lendre- apparently inviolable b-u-y-e- surrender t haat you must have se"x" and-eet-gm0's-t0g-ether-an-d-e-liver-t-2-t-0p-rise-t-f0r-a-furr0w-e-n0se-e-

the mist a ke together e

me thinks "men" ascribels the wrong out take to liberate waht-can-eye-say-e- without giving your g-0ut-up- bet-air-e-found- in the corporation you "might" thank -d0ctored- 2- not-be-on-teh same bespoken page to drink up in away that subpoena -t0/0-t-d0-0-t-

ti tans swing individually strong and together even sub lime cause stick / su s tain ably up

app/le st ag/e/rst while t here vein f air e lye 0n eye c an c/0unt 0n ein functi0n e in sUm

2 re pen ten tu' & beye my self fishing f0/0d e


i d0nt kn0w much ab0ut the law -e- but d0 k n0w e being hung 0ut t0 dry e c0nversationall ly e which is t0 say-e-w/h-itch e way d0 eye "want " "2" be sucker punche-d- 2- day-t- &- 0wn it with0ut breath e(ye heard 'h0ne' ve/in ly e t0/U/r e lay T~it ans hip) it an/d e w/h0~wn e the righ~t0/0' say 2 d-avid under "god" he actually e despise men sublime ly, as with the peep pull- under "god" the "same" the d-e/b-t- is his-aw-all et "2" s-him-it-tu`-hue~ talking in the relief e with n0 eXpediency 2 tell vs te-l-l-e-in-g-c-as-te-thr-u-e- car-rye-ri0t-2-miss-pen-t-an-diss-pen-see-t-ee-d-0-f/-f- any e 0n e true f0r e all y wanting 2 apparently as place be sp0ken are resident' r0se r ar0und e/b the n0se 2 my eye t0/0 the s0und g0/0d' s0w e n0w e takes hap e t0/0 sh0w e.g. 0 stipullated by and buye the hands0me t'let t'air predicateD aye with sigh t actually e see ms ing c0n tin u~nity e pb r0ads ides idus as 0/m~uch ly e pr.i.d.es Tall at m00r0ws hall~0w/ startings 0w ein e with and dy e ttu`pr0 fan d/in/g true in fleshy e tude 2 car rye the a daye as p0ken thrUm min sUm e c0/re ti/n am e seen sample in ly e speaking's~aim

specifically, the day of court, the judge offerred the 0pti0n 2 communicate in the l0bby, and c-harlot-t-e- delaye-d- and said we would sheepish-ly speak with d-avid, as s0/n as he g0t 0ut 0f the c0urt r00m apparent ly e, and i sat with bridge-t-t-e 2 my right in a h0rse sh0e configurati0ne with a t able t0/0 eye am n0t sure why as it se-am-s-2-lack-re all meaning f0r/m/e just sayin 0 pen ly e

b-ridge-t-te- first seamed friendly, she smiled back at me in he court room i n0ticed her fake tan on her face and body e, and i didn't kn0w wh0 she was just s0me0ne friendly e, the man sitting next to me menti0ned D-avid- Chamberlain in the pew e (david really didn't slay g0liath in myT i'me reflecti0n e that is f0r e certain) (t-his is a con-tin-u-ate-ti-0n-e- 0f the fi-b-(er) f0re being scene (h)ave in g cl0! thing apparent ly e t0 t0g e t/her e st-re-am-a-lig-n-ed- 2 - misconstrue his fiction foe her fantasy on his di-me- "2" be made -2- hel-l-p s-him-0f-maul-things-mall-e-vain-e-nd-0-a-gai-n-ever-e-mending-even-f0r-the-speaking-f0r-war-d-ing-see-n-0w-e-was-)scene making for re-el-0!-ve-ye- with -0-pt/i-0-ns-e-gal-l0re-s-h0p-pin-g-all-ift-i-me- in commune all directi0nall a stride with nap ap and h apparently - n0 re all c0mmunicati0n e f0re ac(h)ti0n e 0n e the wh0le di'me t0 e 2 by h e a r t h 2 0 ch00se with fall 0 w e thrU t0/0 x 2 integrity e with the same ti'me pr0 fan d ly all i've very ein ear h0use w/h0lme in c0re p0re ate d aye t'week n0wing lee we di.d. mat~terra 4 x f0r era in/c by the way e st~and e/b tw/h0 DayT in e f0re nap kin e m/s aye t0'0le x ligh tm etier 0ar advances ax/le an 0 redundancy e cc0mpeat eyes naked lye w/~ may/ke 2 at 0ne t0/0 th'all 0 we fall 0 w an/d/er ans~w/(h)ears and~s~hares t0g eT her e vein~s we d beck 0n e c/lea/r e all t0we in vein spirit L c0me all 0e f0 am r/0ne 0f/f e im a ware app/le st ag/e/rst while t here vein f air e lye

in the h0-arse sh0e d-avid is giving me a rapturous "choice" to m"0"ve the 31st of January in the sur-ly-ear-0f-the-L0re-d-avid-j-ustiffies-him-me-d-s-p-lend-0-0-r-e- drawn 0ut -2- apparent ly-i-make me "sir-render"? -a-ware-t0-? pr-i-me-?-all-s0w-e-? w/h0~ut a d0-dub-0ut-? by asking me to "gather" and "c0llect" m'eye th0ughts-el-lse-w-here- b/u/y~mysellff eye must a d00r e wine di.d. t0/0 t/in reflecti0n e t'ap p/r0ve in skin e all a re/ad~dy e in vite tu` (s-0we-he-c-an-re-fuse*(-2-wayes-miss-pen-t-either-e--h0-r-e)-as-aye-gent-he-as-e-the-"right"apparent-ly-4-the-re-m-as-king-in-di-gent-lie-n-2-n-ad-vancing-) as b-ridge-t-t-e-c0n-vex- s-pine-less-ly-e re-lay-D- t-hey-e- h-ad-ruth-ers-pen-t-any-hoo-haye-thrU me w/art-i-fi-c-i-all-a-writ'-i/re-g"u"ard-ry-e-s-ac-t-hear-t-an-d- supple conversati0ne f0r -k-n0w-e- reas0n e t-hat c-an here apparent lie-define-t invi0label ly in fr0nt 0 me in my own time to actually speak appreciably 2 n0 0n e by (h)eart(h)0 me just fine just b.c. iss a me t hat eye ten 0n e b/right heart h

i can T re member if i said it, as the b-rush-0ff-2-sel-l-ective-ly lie "s0~me~me~m~uch" my mind eye may have brushed it 0ff as 2 have said it in my ears and truth in lay e the same in ste ad e pear~0 w hat i was at least thinking, wile t-hey- fictional-l-eye-zed- the b-rush 0f-f- i was transiting t-heir bull shit with an innear bi te & w hat i said t0 me vein the very least is : This Case is the 0nly Case that is g0ing t0 make y0ur Day 0re Take it away. Like I said, I can T re member if I said it, however, the energy I br0ught -2- the re-dud-danceye- lein-ing-f0r-war-d- t hat energy was all re ad dy e felt in the w0rds i was c0mmunicating, en0ugh f0re b-ridge-t-t-e- t0 l0se her fascade 0f friend-ly-e-ness-2-fid-get-t-e- like t-hick pe-g-in-near-st-ri-fe in my reflecti0ne true -&- change-d-p0siti0ns fr0m being at my left side 2 n0w being a cr0ss the t-able and cl0-sir t0 c-harl0t-t-e.

he must have me an T cull ect in anew e dialect e~ anye way e i was left for sleeping t here, as several hours passed, asked b-ridge-t-t-e w att up! and she wasn't as friendly e n0tice ably e & didn't have answ(h)ere p.r.i'me, and s0w e ye walked acr0ss fr0m e where she s(h)at-e- 0n e m'eye Ti'me as ift it were her last shit to shift the last shim in the wh0rld with a wi-fi-if-0n-eye-c0uld--be-ef-0und-r0w-n-e-d-s0und= 0ne the same l-edge-r-e-pay-per-e- b/ringing caca f0re (-L-)0b-serve-ate-ti-e-0n-ati0n-inc-est-u-0/us-ly-up-sup-press-ed-ata-ten-ti-0ne-"sub-prime" the "m-one-ye-l-l-ender" -2- rest0re -2- x- 4- t0-0-le-x- peer-eye-n-c-e- f0-r-t-an-0-t-her-e-day-e-all 0n ere 2? re p0re t i'me

a pri0r i must menti0ne das b00ts ynthe re flect~i0n e w/hi'll and till e pr0w tan t'all

did you kn0w the weight 0f ants 0n the human a planat as any adam ant ic? tis true, ants and humans share the e X act T same weight pear~0 ne a different f0/0t print actually e nature 4 l0ve lea p in e all e directi0n e vein ly e.g. pear~0 e vein e the asp ire all is kewe-d- f0e m-0ne-t-ar-ye- re-duct-i-0n-e-the pi ne. g.r0ws t00 the sky e and the pineall g-land is s-landere-d-a-cr0ss-ty-me- by e the scene-land-er-e-vain (caution, he c-ain-t-sup-port-his-pre-miss-)with0~ut re t0r t as Pre Miss 0/n ear 0ne

das b00t, why 0 why d0 eye delay e: 0k~ w hat i am kn0t 00 the telling t0dayT is w hat hap pen D between w hen we were sup p0sed 2 speak and w hen eye was acke-d-2-c-leave (funny h0w-ed-ur-ess-t-werks-in-the-work-weak-)

i think this will sum e up the "4" "character" "wit" less "ness" s-aye-s- d-avid has menti0ned 2 pine tree lee gal, but n0t name ly e that he in-ten-d-s-2-use-against-me-

first what was stated was the move (for no reason you see) (made up-awn a diletante re-m-ark -2 due- "something" vague-lye- concerning my art in the art room in a place that supports artists supposed ly e, as/tated be the read.

first ly e this must be why it is frowned upon in other countries 2 give women an education apparent ly e as aye with uni-verse-al-ly-e- re lay T in g as y0u can see the t-rubble it gets you f0r just paying the attenti0n et 0/U/r/ e ad: i 0 pen ly e th0ught (the next stepp in dulgent ly e with regard e/b t 00 the t re e t'aught 0p) 2 be lea f the re ad.

d-avid sat d0wn t0 my left, and c-harlot-t-e- was -2- his left. b-ridge-t-t-e- acted nice and pleasant' lent, but d-avid and his-steall-as st-all 2 have me move (by with and f0re n0 re all a re as 0n 2 be 0bserveD), well n0, i have t0 say e as a matter & mater 0f fact t hat Eve maid ew/~hit with pre sense sentient and i tanned his art-i-fact-

not to be "2" verb0se apparent-lie-ly-e- , i did adv0cate when he wanted me to "forecast" another "day-T-i-would-move-at-his-sh0w-gun-pt-deflecte-d-eb-t-0-0-c-0ur-t-eat-e-very-e-t-hinge-t hat eye ma/ke, that i didn't cull a l0(c0st) cust 0 mer e base as-he p-rat-e-in-g- every e pers0n t hat d0esn't want to compete f0r n0 reas0n apparent-lie-ly-e-without-hesitating-a-gain-apparent-lie-ly-e-w0rth-re-stating-un-t-ill-ewe-get-0-u-r-e-way-e- (which is w hat is being t-augh-t-00-the-pineall-g-land- which hasn't landed 2 day T, and i think it is the pr"0"blem of the rem mer / the rim mir / r0r / mem0ry e remember ing am m/a/m marry e.g. land e/b t0 me as s-aid-avid-aye-w/0n-t- 2 have t'an eye 0ther e way e (& as f0r mam mary e t hat isn't mer ry e act u all y e with "kn0w-w0n-e" -2- Day-T-e- & - be-a-c0n-side-re-ad-b-rave-f-ace- t0/0 the face) ("you" sue -t-'miss-stake-) (re-rou-t-ed-an0-t-her-e-waye- as l0ng as your hands are gib b0n e white twith igh e w/hite faces ap parent ly e m/aces*with the recipe f0r t races (mace t0 fly in the face 0f the miss read -awn-per-p0se-g-ain-n- 0r the p/lace ye shield 0~ve nut me.g. c0/0k ies end)

d-avid has the nerve to p-rat-e- that i whould-sh0uld-be more -elevant with my online musings. he doesn't call it w0rk, he uses the comment to de-fine- with-his-why-high-eye-can T eye f0recast when i will be moving, as i can f0re cast m0st certainly i d0 n0t have the m0ney, the car w0rking, the means, a d0g, etc, i d0 n0t have w hat is necessary 2 afford the g-ap-e- in his s0l-d-0n-large-"S" -2- deman-d- w hat i haven't earne d act u all y e, 0n e the same premiss he-rds-me- - - - -

i have a pr0blem -e- with ispr-e-e miss 2 n0t hear me -&-st-and-0n-e-m-e-comfor-t-able-ly-e- with c-harl0t-t-e- & b-ridge-t-t-e-

the way "bridgette" looked at me in the beginning, seemed to be the administrative awareness of pi-tey-e-2-be-a-m-aid-easy ? queezy ? industri-all-s-leazy-e- f0r/m/e & after I started 2 speak, it looked as if c-harl0t-t-e was trying to peep an eye 0 pen 2 per haps list-en listless-lye (w hat d0es it matter if the people you are talking 2 are asleep relay T ing 0re naught apparent ly e f0r a lly e 0ra l-ly e : 0rally e we d0n't speak in 0/r sleep, per haps in kin nere t d re a/m s, just the same d/rain c-harl0t-t-e- is not thought well of here at 0ak street l0fts, i hear this from many a ten ant, some where between 0btuse and pedant-ic-k- 2 ab-use- & i understand w hat is being said in my 0wn experience with -er-r0r- e vain -&- a-gain-

i c-ain-t- help her he-l-p-c-laws- re just say in. it didn't start 0ut that way per the mer ight eye see k 2 say, and say tan 2 w/hear w/right a ware (i am a ware vein ly e 2 spar/e t0/0 le ye h/ave all re ad dye maid in spade s/h0vel in g's paid = the d e/b tm ust be pay ed / if i think "you" are feeding me shit-ile-ly-e-m-aid, i d0 have the inherent right as reas0ne t0/0 the say ab0ut face vein industrious ly e vein e w/hen "yu"do not qualify as a pre tex(yz)t 2 a suffix 'ly' 0f f0rming any relati0n ship in re all i ty e in kni/t

p.s. did you notice, besides "pray"ing-t00-the-jud-g-e- that my apparent meant could legall-ye have forced entry to mer-right-serve-me-pay-pe-er-s-, d-avid, alls-0we p-rat-e-d -0ns-aid-pay-per- that i pay him "money" 0r was it m 0ne ye, f0r the service he requires that i be irrati0n-all-and-0-0-r-e-t-ire- p-ass-sieve-ly-e- like c-harl0t-t-e- use-u-all-y-e- *

that is why it is notable w hen she rises too the 0casion with interest / it tells me her d-rif-t-directi0nally-e-2-make-haste-as-tracti0n-e-relati0n-all-ye- & from her i can e"x"pec-t- be-have-i-ors- com-mon-t0-0-the-hun-thin-king-b-r00d- 0r- b-road, if t-hey-e-h-ave-success-ful-ly-e-p-ass-a(i)d-0n-e-t-heir-l-0-d-e-n-g-0ld-

that said she has changed directions with the recertification papers i asked for, but she st-ill sits d-c-law-ed- next -2- d-avid "the d-eb-t-l-ender-an-d-ecisi0n-e-m-frac-t-aker-

i spoke some where h/ear x here earlier about the energy about being in the front. d-avid plays on this being scene, ie people do not want to put the energy in to competing,with s-him-and-the-law-uss-y-e- most likely, and i am certain d-avid kn0ws t-hat, re the st-age-in-g-theatrics -2- be -regard-i.d.-eed- f0r-something-seen-apparent-ly-e-relevant-2-making-virtu0us-money-e-4-the-up-k-eye-p-ewe-can-0-g-g-in-n-see-inn-your-self-use-in-g-and-re-fuse-in-g-

s0w e when i ran in a pack of athletes, the top in their field at nationals, there is energy in the lead, ie being seen, there is all sowe responsibility, the metering the ins and the 0uts, (the pace with heart rate with practiced t rait the sway 0f 0thers ar0und you the reed = in all it is a matter of being pre sent e t'ude in a c0ntinu0us 0/ng 0all den // f0r/m/e X perience in a race = b/ringing c b est'rait'dayT with c0ntinuity f0r e living in the utm0st m0ment a stake hap pi ness in self sufficiency may ke f0r e warD say T, & that stake predicated state 0/m in/d find faith e with ability e t0/0 habituate p0ssibility e with and (h)ewn e merit en 0f/fe in purp0se kn0 wing ly e the 0ther w/hinges 0f "missing" my mark 0 desire for a-miss-m-ark-act-u-all-y-e- w0uld kn0 t c0ns pi re all i tye f0r/m/e with w hat i pr0 0f/f/ the track literally e seen e f0r/m/e~

sowe i remember the positive energy, rising to the ocassion to make my mark as my desire as the day may deem eye necessity e, and i remembering flourishing in the energy of being seen of being the front runner of my dreams~tipulated pre sent ly e, and consequently i do understand the energy d-avid has to be scene (and i think it is -0re-ly-e- overate-d- actyl -ly- actually e // f0r the same saying & brea t hing e with0ut a ware ness and empathy f0re pr0 vie d in g w hat it takes 2 just be the cause you would like to see bee & b.c. seen in every e t hing e)

nonetheless he is pulling a d-raw-on-energy- tu-be-gat-be-he-st-at-in/ter-rest- fr0/m the deserve in g, d0 in the same s/hi/t every e day e with no day T'M ay ke~sing c0ntinu0usly e with any e b/0 ddy e

i bring this up because, i stated, besides not having an "advocation" that supplemente-d- me from not amounting 2 much in relativity e, and unlike d-avid and his come-for-t-able- culling on people that do not want to compete for no reason to be scene-0wn-lie- and consequent ly, i cannot forecast with relativity that he himself is not giving me s-him-ed-comfortab-ly-by-she-shims-0n-either-side-w-him- i 0ffered 0f course that he could argue to agree, on his own time use e, i did erst while effectively commune ye c/ate that i am giving you a choice, and i require a choice as well. to move when i want 0/0 & let that stand well.

i added that i am the needle, last straw, hay et 0/0 teall, and along with that i tried to relate to visually conspire, i lifted my booted leg to the side of me and pointed to my inn last on my sole make, positioned by d-avid's he-ad eye place

and said, i require a choice to put my soul, drawing finger acr0ss my meridan fr0ntally, let s0le with my inn last Miss Stake

d-avid said i made him nervuos because i was very atheltic / i doubt he knows what the honor abel ly means t0 me pear0 he-thinks-he-kn0ws-every-thing-and-that-is-sufficient-2-push-2-make-a-bust-in-t-0n-e-me- 0 pen ly e

i repeated the same thing as i lifted my leg, with my black b00t p0siti0ned 2 read with inn lasting impression ear d-avids he ad,

if do not give me a choice effectively telling me there is now where for me to rent as with m 0ne ye s pen t to rent soul let sole inn step even heard effectively tellin me now erere 2 go to all sowe now seen in the relay T all sowe

for which b-ridge-t-t-e supplied vain=ly-e- to "put your foot down" ironic all y e as -t- read

bridgette all-so-called-the bailifts when she and david hung me out to drye as they drive ie if scott had not come over, i would have probably not had an option but to accept a move-0ver-an-d-0u-b-t- day-t-

scott and i talked, i expressed my anger as face, and bridgette called 2 balifts to her across from me and said to them i was being "aggressive"

now after i talked with amy stewart at pine tree lee gal, and it was late in the day to make a motion for representation and continuance, (which of course got me think ing about davids d-lay-in-g- & made me angry e b.c. i really do not like his p-ar-t-i-c-u-l-l-ate-in-g-scene f0re meaning which i am astutely supplying as he is pre ten d in g 2 be wh0le in his h0-al-l cout-en-ant-s-e-e-m

after meeting with amy in another room, i saw david on the way out and i relay T'D how i was Deep Ly ChagrinneD, with the energy of re all convicti0n e & D-avid, in his manicure-d- way- of-"fair" "ret" "t" "in" "g" a Mistake constantly "2" make "t0/0" his-ad-mire-f-ace-

i knew his hanging me out to dry on my own in a conversation to apparently 0wn, that he was doing it on purpose, that when i express my anger re all as it is, and as any 0ne in any day eraTe should be 0bliged 2 express in a way that makes wit ness the conclusive meaning of the word itself s0wn 0ver a peri0d 0f doing the same s/hi/t within as with0ut.

these are his wit-less-ness-him-med-2s-hi'm-

these are their "aggressive" "0"b-lie-gate-ti-0ne-scene for st-and-in-g -2- ste-all-ent energy from the re all a w/heel

it goes without saying i sh0uld be angry with this "ray"-"king"

with d-avid -a-l-l-0ne- ye can re write the w0rld hist0rye and let the rec0rd sh0w, he was with0ut an (h)0nest h0(u),

and the "wholle" course of history has been as s-how-

think of the inn fancy of the young korean leader that kills his dads brother, ie his uncle because he didn't clap for him public-ly, d-avid simple has the at-ten-u-ate-d-inn-fancy-e- 2-metier-apparent-ly-e - more- civil-ly-a-ware-0f-w-hat -a first w0rld spin-central-coun-t-ry has to 0ffer 2- save-vile-ly-e-reap-pair-e-


it was the unctious reed, the smile came to easily, as he bent back away from me, even though he was several feet away, he was surrounded by others,i didn't step into their circ le he was in, and he swayed back to all attention to the swhay w- the w-he-y-e-as tm ad e vain

david waht is allowed to be scene /seen in own merit actually, vs cherry pick 2 build a casa against me your people under god make god in history as infamy and fam ill ly premise as pre miss hasn't land soul 2 sole inn lassting refletion action as x actully e some t ether e tf0ur e f0r e sh0re t hinges ly a suffix for relations hip you see and use e very thing w be not as a com-mon "mistake" 2-make-0b-scene-4-the-money-l-ending s-lander-ing-his-nat-ure-2-true sun -ly- endowing to wast my eforst as made actually maid continue in my name ven even 2 same

for me the pineall (h)as alas (and all axis) no premise 2 with and stand in alas-sit-say-c-c-learing the frame-in-0r--2-disappear-it-upon is first miss pronouncd s-aid spirit which is the true cost of industys-mear-it-an-y-e--way-e-

for the law to work industriusly lee gal needs l0ve 2 bee seen accourting ly e as t re e t some rit rising eye sir rings


davids shim sham game as gave to me is to make every woman responsible to him use mis use every e thing, that i cannot stand on my own, and since i aparently relayed to meshellthe time of day i had, i am 2 be mistaken the same frame as hollie con-t-en-d-s-2-con-sen-t- hat i should be x pen dabel as ay-e-t-s-aid-

david doesn't believe in a redeemer that is why hee can be a b-ravelawyer, not hinking of the repercussions literally and figuratvie for someone else to go without their h0 clothes as aid be n0ted f0ra m0re

and meshell the ironic on artist, doesn't belive any one is "true" or was it t-rue- artist thru her sh0e (she does notacttually own, yt-per-cyst-x-sis-t-0n- 2 - make "one" in "on" "e" observations -hues-

avesta, doesn't give a crap shit about your ass, it grates 0n, with appearances said as made 2 believe d 2 day t, and usually would go without paying a price for shitting on its g0 0d residence jsut for the same saye to breath air and e x hum~it~ 0n e the same p/l/ace .g.ain e the truth just like "you" x "ew/e/" and "yew-e- with only lie pa-p-er-vie-w-e-e - so avesta is honest-ly selling x celling relay T able 2 bel lie the bel ly in time, they appear to represent and ad mire, with contempt -f0r-t-h-e-re-"higher" with direct relevance t00the person they c-as-t-on their on fi -re-0re they would have allready done somehing more significan T as with swift directi0n as action 2 x -2- now make n0 0ne traction, justlike me shell, again w-h- the y hold me account-able -&- uncouth-able-for actually haveing with write x right 0 pen ly be angry at the con-tin-unity-e- t-hey - pre-serve- 0n e t'each and every 0ne tu be depress aid "some" -as they s-ly-ly- k-eye-p- consittutions apparently pr0 wt, with the squatting -0ver-their-and-t-here- sh0ulder . that is not really d0ing any rea ll work to speak of with said Miss Merit in ste ad c0mpeating on their fore gon ad conclussion that hey have the "right" to take my space as i proovided with my own spade as had e t0/thr0 at! s-lee-p- wall-king-0n-me-"tre" luck -t-an-t-ly-e- love is the spirtuall pre miss us s/p0ut 0/m e n d-avids-w/-h-inning-st-reek-s-mell-pell-m-ail-ee-spirit-c-leer-0ver-it-e-tit-e- 2 be heard speaking pontificatings pi rate and not out his rear with earnest inerest -2-c-lea-r-e-f0re-lan-ding-0/n-ads-neer-e-

sowe i can explain my self until i am apparently daft in the head, and they will vainly say to my soul et sole in lasting renderings to put my foot down in ste head. i think i heard herd that incorrectly e vain send

how rich became my huss band in r'each f0ra ll i~fe

got is show e go to the other side of hel /w a bi have ye too swallowe bi be l on hollow biblee on baby lon toothe fallow bi bi le on he l(u)0n g

hel (0) lung hollow lung e sw/hallowe toothe morrow too the morrow of hel hall so skirt the t hand head be seen sow w/hym in

1 port hole 1 peep hole 1 pore tall 1 steep le 2 steep well step and dwell

the ne hem eye A ve what he meye Ave 2the fr ie nd have all ready made acct 2 me giving fore war d act yl ly

difficult to have a "white" face when you have a tan nose 4 no reason 2 sowe in the write wh0le (sowe the hole wor-l-d outta nose)

tj anyone proves a whell "he" takes out a s/p0ke capably lly x apparent ly

h ave st a wh ar you or i but a plan t for safe affordable housing and not able to grow in integrity as stabilites character seeming as stipullated -n- david stab-les the victim for him p-art as p-lant- as t-0rt- t00 the s-t0rque-with-2-pass-and-for-t-u-

we got og g =hishi hagis = w/halle w/hale w/hall op toothe fowl low as wells and of a suprise look up


jan, 22, 2015 update, i slept yesterday, a l0t, and i felt the past week off doing nothing besides addressing this website, no workouts, feeling the intensity to sit and convey a thought in a way that the ramifications get across.

the 'spinster ing' isn't complete, none the less, i am showing the process, and w hat circumvents it,

so this page will remain in its state of incompletion, and i will address it anew t0/0 complete it on the next page II.


court, i found out at court that pine tree would not be representing me, so i got to impromptu ly represent my self.

d-avid tried to broker a de-all, which means i would "choose" to move for no reason "2", for which i have the conversation on tape.

anway, i pointed out his cherry picking to every one, as i new it was going to happen. i had an hour at noon to get my laptop and process my dog, because i didn't do it in the morning, and called the court and he could go with me.

he was quite good, for 4 hours, sat in court, i represented my self. d-avid had "46" e"x"hibits, and "4" -for-e-g0n-e-con-c0lluder-c-lusions-

i wont get in to specifics right now, suffice it to say, the ruling is on the fence, and we were both sent away to put our arguements in paper and have them delivered to each other and the court house by next friday.

perhaps there will be a day of merit in c our t 0n/e 0f these day See k~


more notes pulled in from the draft 12/21/2017

who can vet 0re 0ff diogneses with no miss uss awe t0ff and miss underst00d e vein 0dd

i forsooth diogenese is not looking for a "man" in truth, but what is missing he c an't purse s00 t h eaven t hie ven d

0ff all he has ben-2-f0r-giving-&-fore-getting-t0/0-e vain s aid e/b t 2 render ri ere fe d e X 0n lie -t-'b- more miss-pen-t-e vain agging a gain and

the ye as t di.d. kn0 t leave n fr0/m/e. re.g.ardening t re e/t run k pas/sing a way e b:b re ad 2 day T an D re lay Te~st a men t~i~eye ma/ke fe D fl0/w~ere seen said & D0~ve.g.a/Ds pr0/c/lay~min e~me f0/r/t/e` and c0m/p/any e with the same pan as perceive D actyl ly a ware 0 pen ly e as t'all a w/(h)ayes~seen f0r e the same sayin g's~uss ten ant maid in the c air e t0/0 c/a~re ta/ke/in/g's i/r end e ring fair e ly e s/hare f0rth mer~ight here

if diogenese took c aire he would merit a tooth in d sight fair e the well and share. g.0/0d s0und f0rtune ate t'are db's he'ds f0r/t/h/e c/are in g's i even D e/b t0 me t0 w/hi'm in sat is fact i 0n e vein~s

wh0 c an vent 2 vett digenese if he has mis spent his habit at w/ith0ut the h/0/U/r e tact u ally e min u te ly e with in te.g. ri t/tye seen f0re just being fr0m the apparent 2 beginning a(i)n ye way e. g.0 t0g 0

unseen ail s0w e

stamen vega ds


all a wayes a s-hill (a scene-h-ill) if ewe can T e/as/e the s-kin-full-sight-(h)eave n D0cuemenT Syne D at'all the same ti'me may e b:be 0n e met w/h0 w/he el~b p0und f0ra p0und actyl ly e ttu` de n u de'ye Ta b/r/ave @ s~heart e alla l0~ng b/right en t en0ugh 2 (h)0~ve c/t0r an D (r)afterS~end aft era s


cannot deny prague doesn't matter literally

eve as a mater 0f reasons speaking t0g

a the habit slay te & wipe the asses of the passes e/a m aid

does "h.e"g.et p-aid by ma-p-parent-ly e miss sing e very e thing e she said f0ra re as 0n e t tu` be c lea r e ly e. g.0re is
"he" getting s"0m"e-t-hinge by being "proud in the unspoken round" fact-u-all-ay-e-

hither wither s liver s culling skull b re ad-e-vain-0ver-t-ime-with0ut speaking in a way e that can be hear D & t0w/hunder e the "st-0-0-d-e-"

mack macketh the habit e s Leave f0r am 0/re

maid up e didn't think that a-hem-m= much -0- the "habit" in-site-ad-e-

a word is word independent ly e(L) 0b serveD 0/n/e the same Line in 0/f ten e time just ly e supplied fr0m e the st/all and t'All the re tell in/g's fall se as 0n e/all it self 2 fall 0 w/heeL eaves f0r/m/e fr0/m/e t re e act u all y e re.g. ard en ing i'ven D virtu` pally e t/r/ans~ending~0ve rt (h)u` ew/e beck 0n e st re am in g's ap as passing's fe at as sayTan 0 be (h)eart 0n e the a di'me anT

s-culling-inn-s0le-"lent" -2-ad'-sch0-0/le-nt-in-pr0-fes-i0n-ull-nee-d-f0-ra-dis-s-aster-a-n-augh-t-rite-2-skul-l-ent-with-in-d-2-pineall-a-w-e-g-land-i.d-f0-re-get-tin-g-in-sip-i.d.-ly-e-0n an/ny e w(-h-)ay e scene f0re t/tu` naught di min is-him-in-g- in e maye w/(h)ake ye sh0/0ds h0/0k' s/hake vein eye

the pineall doesn't get the rem mer remember ings feel from the sight of the s-w0rd l0ve less -2-(L-)0b serve -D- f0r e all y n0-t-hing-e-


the s-kill- h-is- pineall - aye-d-2-ren-t-he-s-p-ac/e in meye head after e all t hat w(h)as all re ad y e said bef0re the bezeL 0de n~s e.g.0 wan e marig0all~D and ye ns bees~ p0ke n = 0w e+e kiss aids kull in g as/s 0/m e'ye may 2 kit e 2 d/raw/e h0~0ve n ab i/t e tt 00 the skye high~t'fly e tm eye T


i sus spec t "the unkn0wn 0rigin" w0ul-d-be (a) st-0ne-d-bef0re being am seen 0n/e w/fe at her s in g e in g's even t0 w/her e self act u all a y e S-0we-in-cest-u-0us-in-c0m-pet-ten-ens-aid-c0uld-saye-"tan" e- vain- &-ven-D- L-0ud-an-d-ana-pr0u-d-ag-ger-ain-ing-ger-run-ding-ap-paul-l0g-uy-e-f0r-t-h-e-ste-all-eave-ns-U-m-e- vein ?

w here is your g0d 0n mye bi plane she said in 0 pen as require-d- 2 k eye p sustenance in site ad e in ste ad in advance ? f0-r-m-e- ? eye insisT re le vance f0r/e/ s0/m e ns



apparent ly e s-hin(e)-d- f0r e-t0l-d- tu-be-invi0lable -d- as her-d- 0/0r e s-he-lets-him "heard" as will0w-all-0-w-e-scene -w/- "hall0w"-e- & ween c0m-mer-c-i-all-ye-the mal-l-ard-asses-un-natural-l-e-2-break-"heifer"-e-fal-l-se-as-0n-e-all-t-urn-e-b-urn-

that is why d-avid- is the- m-0ne-ye-L-en-d-er-an-d-0cuemen-t-invi0labl-ly-e- w hitch is t0' say e invi0abel-ly-e-at-e-very e t hing e bef0re ve in gest ates

- h0 we ave rt actually innvi0lable label led e/b t0/0 x 2 se 0ne at a ti'me n0bel ly e fr0/m/e st/ar/t in s0/m e s0/n e b/right: f0r me the pi/ne all g.land as with the mam mary e. g.land has s0me thing 2 d0 with 0w e s(L)ee p~ an 0w e

beck 0m 0ne ye in s0/me per fume a way ke t00 the cast 0ff from the caste in-

shed off and in and over and around in


ee kn0w the cast 0ff r0/me the answear e fr0m ins ide s par r0w / the seen 0n sight is n-aught-2-len-d-rive- which is to say t0-0le-ye-r0pe-d0pe-e-s- the re all a w0rk y0u have never merited 0n a ture true t i'm e f0re the wh0le re as 0n eye am seen with s0mething you can't build a case against in the 0 pen if 2D has a fe face 2 s0w e as t0'0l 0wn an due l0an acr0ss


i prate p -ray-te thee-back to-your-ey-ack-t-you are condeming the right o bit before the hatch can conspire t in a match can g/r0w c r0w n for approvalls match

charlote does not have powere 2 create own lie 2-take-a-warey-day-t-e-

bleeding from vagina for want to be heard actually when 2 speak in relife is re leaf eitheal t issue = same

as all the insurance ye need

artis willing will w/hinges ing e = nature of artis over st-aid-in-dust-rye-scene as necessity ethought fully e


-0-men-min(e)nim ay/ke mine min e

c for your self law has no way 2 make grace with d-avid-2-day-t and relay t open ly four sake and shre sharon hook hake in re blalance 0 late

a ware ed weft waft wek w eye k an swer mad e vain? she said kan d ka best in car ed inerest why should i never if to place 2 lever eve evane same as sane

as a man fether (h)eaven best thing can do for d/aughter is give dormant formant place to lie ave ins forhte keye pings sust ten ants to ma to me ta fore ieall ye

plater container re-sin 4 what should be elastic ity aven ly forthe el helios to ma to me fe ed frame more in view /lines the same these y s a eyes aye aim a yen frame every 2 sow f am one


herd is making "ke" care full w/h0 full ly e 2 make "x" get a mistake any e other waye


dominic is gay ei so he can hear his mohter 2 day te

law was a mistake in cohost ing with no relevelnace g.ranted nore restored in the ime above

2 t noe tt u in your sleep the pin ea ll a where it lays industriouslye in your sleep toothe the net pro?ceed? out of sleep and cast the out cast before your speak

to toothe the pineall habit industriouslye in your e sleep is to give milk to compeat 2 comfort lee week by 0 pen ly e speak to me

fort is speak from mem mar ry e in mer=mem front of me to ole lei vei in core pore ate d

shaped words like re sin preveiously e tt u music mistae misstep make in eve n ly tt james 2 resound in the fretwork a gain

ewe are the c/up that drinks up sus pen did enough as if mam mar mer rye were last ast ed

women leaven -t- -t-'0oil without renumberation disposable aroun the land universeally speaking "pro-fan"-e- & - do-it-again another waye you

the last sup-per-ring per-e-e pee (pre nup tour ing) until stined a ware t et fly over -t-here scene as faire-

charlotte not like daivd miss reprsents hollie and avesta alike "best" c harlot declawed sitting to his left and bridgette across, both support a mock knock off mute, as they are the same care-r0t-e- distitute be-for-t- that could talk, if we could find a scopa 2 paw 0f/f a (servant assistant) w/eal l thy e merit 2 s pair it/with air t00 the/ar et in ares it

i dont' understand the re all a meta f0r the king bee being a miss eXcept in my 0n/igh e way e

but how doe they ferret tog ether, who reproduces with the queen bee, to lay eggs and bee set forth territorially e t00 just bee with ap pen stance sting if you don't gif t hem the proper pre sense their innate architecture de pen d sas de man ds ee by demonst'rait i 0n e with a wasp in a d0gs wift glance just kn0wes witch way the w/(h)ind bl0wes~sieven by sniffi/n in it all 0~ 0k 0ver and ew.cc.l0ver and aye a/c c0rd e/b the nigh t0 eve ns in t here thr0ne way e 0/b serving as pb e lea fi/n c0ntinue unity e~as t re am in g's~i prate p -ray-te thee-back to-your-ey-ack-t-you are condeming the right o bit before the hatch can conspire t in a match can g/r0w c r0w n for approvalls match

charlote does not have powere 2 create own lie 2-take-a-warey-day-t-e-

bleeding from vagina for want to be heard actually when 2 speak in relife is re leaf eitheal t issue = same

as all the insurance ye need

artis willing will w/hinges ing e = nature of artis over st-aid-in-dust-rye-scene as necessity ethought fully e


-0-men-min(e)nim ay/ke mine min e

c for your self law has no way 2 make grace with d-avid-2-day-t and relay t open ly four sake and shre sharon hook hake in re blalance 0 late

a ware ed weft waft wek w eye k an swer mad e vain? she said kan d ka best in car ed inerest why should i never if to place 2 lever eve evane same as sane

as a man fether (h)eaven best thing can do for d/aughter is give dormant formant place to lie ave ins forhte keye pings sust ten ants to ma to me ta fore ieall ye

plater container re-sin 4 what should be elastic ity aven ly forthe el helios to ma to me fe ed frame more in view /lines the same these y s a eyes aye aim a yen frame every 2 sow f am one


herd is making "ke" care full w/h0 full ly e 2 make "x" get a mistake any e other waye


dominic is gay ei so he can hear his mohter 2 day te

law was a mistake in cohost ing with no relevelnace g.ranted nore restored in the ime above

2 t noe tt u in your sleep the pin ea ll a where it lays industriouslye in your sleep toothe the net pro?ceed? out of sleep and cast the out cast before your speak

to toothe the pineall habit industriouslye in your e sleep is to give milk to compeat 2 comfort lee week by 0 pen ly e speak to me

fort is speak from mem mar ry e in mer=mem front of me to ole lei vei in core pore ate d

shaped words like re sin preveiously e tt u music mistae misstep make in eve n ly tt james 2 resound in the fretwork a gain

ewe are the c/up that drinks up sus pen did enough as if mam mar mer rye were last ast ed

women leaven -t- -t-'0oil without renumberation disposable aroun the land universeally speaking "pro-fan"-e- & - do-it-again another waye you

the last sup-per-ring per-e-e pee (pre nup tour ing) until stined a ware t et fly over -t-here scene as faire-

charlotte not like daivd miss reprsents hollie and avesta alike "best" c harlot declawed sitting to his left and bridgette across, both support a mock knock off mute, as they are the same care-r0t-e- distitute be-for-t- that could talk, if we could find a scopa 2 paw 0f/f a (servant assistant) w/eal l thy e merit 2 s pair it/with air t00 the/ar et in ares it

i dont' understand the re all a meta f0r the king bee being a miss eXcept in my 0n/igh e way e

but how doe they ferret tog ether, who reproduces with the queen bee, to lay eggs and bee set forth territorially e t00 just bee with ap pen stance sting if you don't gif t hem the proper pre sense their innate architecture de pen d sas de man ds ee by demonst'rait i 0n e with a wasp in a d0gs wift glance just kn0wes witch way the w/(h)ind bl0wes~sieven by sniffi/n in it all 0~ 0k 0ver and ew.cc.l0ver and aye a/c c0rd e/b the nigh t0 eve ns in t here thr0ne way e 0/b serving as pb e lea fi/n c0ntinue unity e~as t re am in g's~



mmormons missinariesy said i used to be wouldn't sign upfor a religion that would nt let me breath air, even yuour arse "air" t0 s/ ear e vein f0re teh same pre miss miss address is missed a miss miss said miss stated miss ated miss i0n 0 miss ive / re all y, ore just re al-l-ly-e- d-e/b-t-2-take the life breath in giving form from living to that gat mist-er at-e- d- ave - d- without actually e vie ing with universeall view 2 see the w/aye thrU th/r0ne in t0 wend t0w end t0w end t0w wihtout forethought as a com mon by e product ? i quest i 0n e c an ny e 0ne 0bserved ans wear or just dan-c-e- a-way-e-t-t-u-= ..... nothing to show for t ruth f0rth t f/0rt h0 b/0n as ty e feel i ke s0me t'min t'int' e.g. ritty e'ye n'em e~ with0ut 0unce -2-p0unce-s-q/u-are- & pr0w t f0r all 0!/n/g's uss ten anT alla l0ne & all 0ne the same ti'me r

chiefe hewer e lo cust 0m ers e ttu pre st0re crickets b all in eye s ave ye / i go there for my own pleasure not for your re -me-as-u-r-e-d-

flowere steppe st~ing f0r the v0l u ti0n e l0ve in st e ad floweres steppe sting to g0/ne ad just being s'0we g.h0 t0/0 we fly te at han d e light l c l0~sir e sure

this is h0w too x 2 as pbe lay D circles l0t t0 me'yes una fraye d as c/an be@et e tin e infinity e com p eat ans 0/m e cc am e c0mplete ly e


how do i to.g merit by being my working word actually in re allitye in a "time" t hat will not see my value 0 pen ly as with notable sustainable sustainability as The way e 2 value all-things-considere-d- actyl ly apparent ly

-hung out to dry in a situation taht both demands i be present -and- no participate in my sustainaiblity with in -it- or that my participantion / contribution actual go w/out merit as thanks in the first place 2 actually care about seeing it as follow thru 2 aother 2 relay T w 20 wh0

dry wither sliter in the company of my sisters carriage

eve maide me dew it eve made my dew it over god ever made me dew it just b.c. d eb t over god and under over c/raft and tow under after math match and hatch wow onder in my path you lathe and slather ein re con & re dog ni aseen fore when you t read on me eye re past eth as /p placed well and "kn0--t-2- mistake" w-he-l-l-e--

and in freedo m e i dont' htnk you are the right one ore two to b e talking 2 = exodus igh believe x lealeaf fig in dame theru pap ere fview my own purviewer ing

you get exactly the merit of your desire 2 know radically higher net with me x new radii too x 2 your out come = n com + the desire presently re ad as seen in assoication 2 be vein among me or replaced opely for no reason to want tu be in my fair estimation bay e bee ebbe scopa detination w stinging e st ation e fore the same bzzz & b/z bee zee daye ray te

it made sense -&-= you live-2-tax-it 4 being present w/ not your write x right 2 inherently speak with i quesiton that for said reerence i make mater matter a mater mate match matter mira mate one my e daye plate steepl make keel and tell on some page

my love ye am fan fang d right (h)and 2 make even

plainly i am the plan e planar es tated das boot eye name tu bee mye forse soaking industirously as c/b spoken just b.c. to ken already k now hinges when owng + now en go ve & just be as you see it plain ly 2 day tee

H20 me m11 v