
Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

Tenant A B C face t 0/0 e ve in ewe g0 : fir w hat is a h ear d ell t0 me in re all i ty es s0 fin e ndlessly 'till eye f0r an i gh all0w ed ew sea f0 am e t0/0y e as s0 w end










do i really need to comment on man putting himself on the m0.0n






haul lie approves the lease violations for which me-shell has 4 -and- 3 supposedly gets you booted, yet-i- don't understand t-heir ac-count-en-ance-2 serve-in-again- eve in... // which is to say, the cor-p00r-ate pers-o-n 0f l-ate, sees their con-st.r/u/c/t-i-on-e- greater t han the p0wers of just being pre sent in the first place t0/0 keep c0/m e in g/ravi~t~ye t0/U re lay T in thrU shUes e~U wing 2 dis em b ark f0r e all t0/0 dayT in Ti'me in g20.

the importance of the number value in the beginning as per the market place to relayT & associate a dayT 4 x f0r re all, is a number s0wn as zer0h : h0 is nothing on its own in the market place as you can see a $"1" with as many 000000's as you w-ant behind-it- will add k n0 w valUe a Ware act u all y e, h0 we ave r, a number pr0 n0un c'ed in ti'me t0 be re n0un & a ware is p.r.i'me any e way e, and thus in the market place for c0mplete tie 0n e, we find t hat $1 in ValUe direct~i~0n ally Ab0und f0r~ce in directi0n~0w00(double U)w/ith as many zer0's added behind it account for something, further a Ware to make time account en able as t0 tell all act u all y e, uni verse all ye. please notice the seall, of sea land air 0ver &, sep tw0 beck 0n e in pr0 wt w/0uT D0ubt: sep is separate ve in 0dd: the prime # 0ne has definiti0n e & t'each is acc0unt en able, as the in ten ti 0ne 0f any 0ne respective ly is perceive able 2 be see n as see k in "or" "kn0-t" on "porpoise" and all nature t hat cannot speak for it self D ear e.

You cannot get a wh0le value by dividing a fraction of valUe int0 i/t "2", neither by act-i-on-e-s "1" on "0ne" t-om(e)b-king-dum-cum- and c-lunk any 0ne 0ver t her e head 4 x f0re just th ink in g0' y0u & y0u & y0u & s0/n, with artifice-i-all- "lice-sense" -t0/0- st and-in for "thinking" "it" "thr-U-"-e- vain-e-"t"

I oppose vani-t-ye- for n0 re as 0n e: I am 0k with vanity t hat means s0me thing w/ face valUe to relay T & day T eXpediently 2 my f/ace per the 0rigin, putting in 0rder, 0rd air, 0rdinary air e, in the first place ve in, f0re it is their we see pers0nallitye with0 ut diss pair ing

I used this in court from a man on Oak Street that has observed Me-shell dealing drugs, flagrantly using drugs on the street outside the building he lives and observes for security purposes. I did bring this up to the judge because I feel Me-shell's self management is questionable, this and that I was told by another resident that she was out drinking late, the night before she accosted me in the hallway at 6am for leaving a note on her table that I and another person moved her table (4"). I signed my name to be accountable as the last time someone moved her t-able she thru a fit, razed the tile in the work room, yanking the table with the brakes on ie she threw a fit like an infant ireedemably t0 da-y-? T- in- This only served to personify her s-w-ill direction on me personally e "as x t0/0" with n0t 0ne fr0m Avesta 2 answer the c all, they apparently st and in place As t0/0 relate ve in thrU f0re X 4. I need to say, while I do appreciate this person stepping up to the plate to write his observation with Me-shell for c our t purposes, which I was told she actually solicited him when he first met her, the extended conversation out side of court of law purposes goes like this: He tells me it is so sad because she has a nice ass (w/ 0 pen all ty e).

Honestly, I am kind of tired of hearing about ass-ets from men with no redeeming f act i 0n e with interest' w00' be acc0unt en able fr0/m w/hitch it c0m e. To put this into perspective, you can count on as comment on my great "ass" I am riding "one" after "another" as a Wh0le a/p/art 0' me in the b re a k in g, if it p leases you re all y e in min e : k n0 w 0f-fence, it d0es n0t make sense t0 me in y0ur "i.o.u." sir-cum-stance unbelievable ass uc-k-h- in g-e- : N0 m0re "great ass" con verse ate i0n es, unless you are maid a ware act u all y e t0/0 day T in & s0/n l0ng(h)er e in Wh0le 2 kn0 t p art 0w e : & tits i re t0rt : let' us e & make sure t/he i/r e ad esire ve in re all estate in t' it @ the fir.s/t. ake ye may k, as y0ur naked glances have a c0.st.

i don't want to hear about the parts and peaces you lament lent the government for s0/t ashes s pen t m wheel "2" app r0ve 0f "U" n0 (w) el.

i don't want to here about how you steel for parts and pieces in your st.em-me reflect-i-on-e- be 4! reel ficti0n for fantasy, be-spoken miss tarry for your miss-use-r/ye miser ly e sat-is-fact-i-on-e-very e in suffering unscene timeless "x" 2 your una-ware ness "Ate" "2" "Be" W-ail @-T-all- T-ail- eaven-t-hr-u-e- hour ly en "X' pan d i.d.?d0/ur e"X" pen dit u/r e -e- L and g-ranted "2" con-firm wit 0ut l0! 0k~in s 0m e a-k/new- undefined 0ut w/ rue ings~ well asa d(ayeT)well all i've t0 not e ye a.m. h0me in e very e p.a/rt interest 2 h0~ wn igh eave n & rest 0ar e t0 me make interest c u/r/l Xs w0rd c0mpleat c as t' w/ hale 0n e/t is true eu/rt 2

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