
becoming an eating machine that is not really producing any e t hing e

is a st-range- s-ort of deliverance to me

as is the need for-e-s-e-x- act-u-all-y-e- st-and-in-g-for-e-by-e-


Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n


2/20/15 experience of kaizen at trader joes in reflecti0n e ~

Let's start with the issue of bread and the n-eve-r-ending-s~i/r- prize- dictate-d-by-e-management-a-gain-2-too-the-s-i-r-e-m'eyes- a constant raise going long on a repast never maid in re all reflection e vein~ squire h~eigh t~ie inn st e/e~l an de all as pi re ad/de~b/t (2) p/aid f0ra hi/g/her e p.r.is~ e~ ed~ eed~ e/si/re~ ring fe~e den sit ye~ sPeak and' streak no w/in g'~sea tm aid e fe at e. g.race i/0/u/s~ly e re p lea t~i/n~g fa.m.e in 0rigin~sa.m.e~l0!d(e)y~e

As per Anna Maria, she had long held the position of being the "head" of the bread department. I worked until midnight the night before, and met with her on her shift at 5a.m. to train for a new method in store. The next day, Anna Maria apparently forgot in all her rolled go/dly sleep, that I had trained with her, and enlisted to "manage" me defunctly from the position of being on register (in) the-0-rye-, by e snitching on me for her not hearing me in rapport for/t/e in sc0pe pri0r e . Stating in a "way-e-" to management that I was not a team player, as she did not listen to me again, restated, that I have x amount of time to finish this bread / cart / wheeled back into position and be on reg to release the next person, without an excuse to hang 0/n 2 any 0ne head in reflecti0n e to pass on my l~at/e~at pre sent in ste ad & f0r "kn0-t-"re as 0n e 2 may k~e ye & keel lea~ k -ad-verse-ly-e-s-pea-k-e-as-ye-w/-t-in-g-fe-e-dense-city-e-p-lat-e-nee-d-le-ad-in-quest-i-on-e-in-g-a-gree-d-ti-me-le/e-de-vice-in-g-see-d-

It is blatant to me Anna Maria was only thinking of her self, more perfect ly stated own-l-ie- & lie-n-ow-e-too-toot-her-e-we-all-th-e-going fo-r-e-war-d- seem s0w right f0r e the "mate-in-g-"(does it matter war is apparently not her "intention" st-ate-in-g-? when her thinking- as- pre-ven-t-i-0n-e- is-ow-e-sel-l-f-x-f-cen-t-e-re-ad-0-w/-dept-h-percept-i-0n-e-? resurrected-ead-) debt -o- think-2-t-raid-up-e-on-e-very-e-b-o-dye-st-ink-i/e-d-under-neath-0-p-ful-ly-e-vain-an-d-ans-w/e/ar-se-w/ag-0n-e-in-g-countenance-s-wag/e-r-ing-if-tin-g-c-up-an-den/ouement-w/ay-t-(a)-l-ai/dof-tu`p/er-pet-u-al-ly-e-nough-t-like-0n-e-can-can-ever-get-an-uf-f-luff-in-t-im-e-t'may-k-up-an-d-r-aft/er-s-up-up-s-natch-url-ly-e-pi-cen-t-er-ally-e-p.c.url-ie -&- lie-n- as tye nee-d-b-la.m.-e-d-s-ee-p-l-ace-in-g-s-aid-e-

If every e 0ne is going to be st-ink-ie-d-by an encounter with Anna Maria -tu`-be-counte-d-awn -2- not-give-a-fi/g f0ra re all and f0r~e ye in re all i ty e with fall 0 w e thru e vein ly ea/s till and pr0 vide~ bt' b.0n/e 0 pen line f/l/a/x e see d centered t ask in ti'me with right, wouldn't '-it- there- fo/re- make- sense -2- c-l/im/b- man-age-men-t - p.r.0-vis-i-on-e- sow - the -finger- can be pointe-d-a-way-e- with the "power"e-s-ave- t-hat-u-be-0n-e-ye-s/een- "industrially" & lay per the "speak" x "easy" x "re-ad"-and-ye- re-p-eat- as- 0f- ten- danc/e- ye- 0n any e b0dy apparent ly e (not scene -0re- seen dof fin/g ear ing the pea-ce- buy-e- pie-ce- seen- ste-ad- at-e-f-f-a-st-e-all- a- with no/un kn0wn serial ly e nourishment in the keel in g f0ra re all in g ap peal end'~ s~ end'~ sing's~0/n~ net~ in~ g~ rill~ ea~ ns~and c0mmences well and lent lengthe men~d's and' see all s0w e.g. a/inn~s (h) ave t'l as t i/n g f0r/m/at~e 2 tie 0n e 0 pen ly e w/ re at'(h) all 0! b/r/ave ly in s/t/e ad ye sa.m.e ye t hat yie l d' sUm 0n eye re pay T'L~end air e cent and' sent s0/m~e a.d. d0~0/r e st0re t0r t inn s0/n e 0n e t hr 0at en 0.m00r ~t~ a b/0at seen f0re the s0 at an~d e.g.0 pr0cess in kn0w e in c0 e d0 thee distance s mile s igh igh and' sh0~re vein d' s0und fl0 0/r~ing's~0. g.0 all 0p e n d's~ and receive~ t'd's~t re am inn keeper e ring's~(h)and's~i eve/n d'~seen f0r just being & w/hat t/hat me ans~

W/h-im-s'ey-e- aside, this is an on going pr"o"blem for people that don't make their joy equall a by e product qualitative f0re see k's well and 0 bide all i've in re all ti'me~t00 t00the min e & b re ad just fi ne in 0rigin all a ti'me 0n e thee line. The vie per vert vie w in~g t'e~ll : what i mean is some people view hap pi ness as limited commodity (fo-r-t-e-t-hem-2-st-e-all-e-d-i/m-e-vain-an-d-s-el-l-eave-n-d-s-well-and-s-w/ill-s-ail-l-c-lock-and-bar-reel-ad-vances-ayes-re-miss-). For the person who fronts their happiness inherently to/o live in the same ti'me actually bespoken e w/heel and 0/ne w/rite on e time too the make the w/h0le i b0d/dye as saye right presumably on ~i~ & e'ye vein 2 virtually e teall the re lay T'Day te 0n sigh t, the purse-on-e that exists in ti-me- is-t- acting from a position-e- of "1" being unnecessary "2" diss pose inherent value "to" x "too" t(h)re e~ sh0 w/~t/hr/U~ t-he-i/r-relevant-vert-u`-e- vain -2- sue- due- t-i'm-e- m.o.-ti-0n- e- w-e- 0n- unceasing- ly- e- tu-be-calm-ink- now-e-on-e- for the same say presumably nay not for the same right 0 way e in dependent ly e in th0u s and 0 pen all colony-s pre-e- ten d ear/se e-d-ate-a-trade mark "face" pro-found & dept-h- debt- pro-of-a-round- ironically all-over-the-p-l-ace-d-0w-e-d-ate-s-at/e-tan-in-c-ard-f-ace-t-ow-e-d-f-at-e-d-s-e-g-re-grate-d- concern- separated- o/wn- lie- by-e- t m.-o.ne-ye- p-lan-e-in-g-

T-h-ey-e- d0n't have to think by e t/hr/u because t-hey-e- don't have to ans/w/ear fore re all in returning fl0/u/r e fl0~we/r e 0n e w/hey e -2- af-ford-ue- just- a- war-e- for-the-suit-e-t-are-pro-of-e- of faith full me-as-u-re- p-lan/e- at- e-ar-e- t-r-u-e-

the wateary e. g.rave the seed din't mate witout s oil o late respectively to t ail (a) gate in w0rking ta re lay t's~ t~0ne thr0w/ ave & w/hey e sat e t/her~e say/me all s0w e d f/0r e~ a b c de~ f0re. g.a(hi)n0w/ h eat an d t re ad tis the w/t in e b re ad fe~e de~n/s pear~0 peer 0 & can T en D with0~ut a. D.'s~end's inn fe in f0ra re all a st in keel lee k see all e/ave n d's~well ink 2 te~ll and e w/hale

F0r/me working is tu`b/eing pre sent f0r/t/e in c0mpleti0n e, and not the "thinking-for-the-scheme-in-g-" = I learned late w hat was taking place with "face." Which is to say, actively engaged in the ti'me w/hey e, I am similarly not in the "ti-me-" -2- p.r.ey-e-t-ie-ye-at-e-. That is the vulnerability of being in innocents primarily. That is the innocents of being your gate way to hap pi ness e at/e 0n/e' self refer all ad ven/t u/re & make continuity e a steady e state in relayTi0n ship ma/t/e. S0we lets get this straight : I am hap pi 0n e for a reason that excludes those that are not similarly e seeking~0ve, yet t-hey-e- "want" bi-part-is-an-fo-re-all-see-as-0n-e-without question : like Dick Cheney all t-eary -e-ye-d-c-an-e- by-e- buy a heart gap-parent-lye-0n-e-th-ben-d-&-l-end-in-g-si-de-b-t- for not having 0ne t0 st/a/r/t an-d-ye-&-by-e-at-(h)e-sane- tu-ne- ti-me-all-a-waye-say-ke-ye-p-l-ace-in-g-0-p-lat-e- like Anna Maria that se/a~ms to have an eye for the spectacle too/the be scene in s/owe too/the st-re-am-in-g-see-kin-s-he- (her scene wouldn't be "self supporting" apparent ly e without s0/me 0ne in re all i ty e to-pin-her-mo-on-be-am-s-) = Sowe she puts a little lie on me "honest" because she wasn't thinking 2 be, only seaming like she is caring for every body, and she b/reeds the trust of managements inn-security-e- w/ a pay raise -&- sup-port-2-use-e- / & mistrust f0r/m/e 0n standing inn dependent ly apparent ly e w0rking i/n re all i ty e~ with regard~e/b~t re e~s and' st re e/t f0r/m/e w/keel ly e ta/r/e st/a/r/e uni f0r/m ly a ware c0mpleat in e me 2 me/e~T mer i/t inn f0/r/m/e~all ye~s Pea k~e/en ly e f0ur the sake 0 s~pee d~0/m e ans h0 us e~t~able a.d. e tend c0/m p an y~e

inn weak in sure rants~ weep~ an/d~0/c keep b/r0~a.d.ly e s Pea k~ similarly e t0 me~r i/t s able make sure its payable e/in ten ti 0n e ally e inn c0/m e~ re lay t d re am s ave t hat day t f0/r/m/e ven tu` all y 0 in/k en0ugh 0 g time t0/0 le af/f0r/d (vs-ho-g-)

ja(w/~e) pan = nip p0n e ven am e : f/lat lye a st/ate/d can be re lay t'd funda/mentally e lat/e d' s~aid inn 0.ggin~s~end' stipule ate d e/b t plan t sat e d in/n ste ad e via t0r e ad just able~nd' say ten 0n e.g. i'ven.d's lender ad 2 as sUm e w/h0le s0/n e w/(h)0ne 0wn ly e regard 0/n ad d00r e turn i ty e flye t higher end ept h 2 0's end's in kn0w e lls e x sync and' send's hear~t h0 us e a m00r und0ne may b re ad f0ra re all 0ver t keel 0 del light in nigh t/an k/i p around' s0und ly em pi re p ark and arc 0n e m ave n d's 0/n e t0 me ri(gh)t pr0w t i'm e in ni'm in~s every b0dy e f0r kn0w e b/0dd~ye t/tu` per e in ste ad if fi/t~he ad 0ne at a time an/d t re ad aye w/ thread b re ad just ly in ste ad


fall a sep t ember 0ct 0 ber e (8 =0k/t0) n~0v ember an de/c ember ave in ten si le n d e/b t win t (h)er e spring' sum mer e~member~ing' se as 0n e~ar e

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the pr"0"blem is having a container with "2" ex-it-and- en-trance-s-aye-s-

sim0ne weil st/ates you can only give what you are including the de-sign-2-ste-all it w0uld ap peal-at-lar-g-e-

scene with sanity's~0ught after e t0uch, however being out right against providing as much

the people that make ti'me with the same reservoir to keep it are seen without a s/mattering~0ve valUe~ s0w/e~at/e in re all i ty e tu`besp0ken t w/h'0le an/d the w/heel t0/0 keel an/de al l-0rd-in-ar-i-ly-e-ta-ken- fo-r/e- g-ran-t-e-d-s-lighting-be-h-ave-i-or-e-tu-be-con-sum-e-d-s-0we-d-enough-t-in-f-ave-0r-e-touch-ing-e-

me all

let's not underestimate this: re touch ching* is t money, h-in-g-e- to make money for no reason competitive-l-ie-/n-2- too-the-4-aye-re-p-ea-t- the dishonest dirt cycle while appearing clean ly e in sit~e

the "container" controls behavior but not right e/0/u/s ly. ironically the competitive marketplace cloaked in the "law" of the biblical kingdom is not free will no matter what it p-reaches like a c-harlot- ex- pan-s-i've-ly-e-x-ten-d-s a s-him-sham-e-2-ad-ven-t-com-mer-c-i-al-ly-e- w/here the thou-art-is too-the-"flame-&-frame" w/ear t0 s0me 0ne capable ly e~ s0/me w/here pi-ty-able-ly-e-by-e-b-universe-all-ie-b-ran-d-in-g-

tu` be a m-aid- st-aid-under-e-paid-reflective-ly-e-vain-ag-gain- / "found"-if- "necessary" by-e-t-hem- guilty for-d-under-st-and-ing- tu`be 0ne guiltless e X act ly of kn0wing kn0t 2 & not "2" provide fore victim-c-ar-d-&-victimizer-on-e-the-s-am-e-ven-t-u-al-ly-e-ra/se-e-

d-ate-r-ape-p-age- "inviolable-ly-" scene-for-seth-e-sane-in-gew/-gaw/-and-e- with~0ut liberati0n e vie den t m/ark 0n e m/at~e ven d's p.r.0ut a ware by e desire 0n ly in 0 pen reap air e

f0r & f0rt 2 s/ave their 0ne n0un all plate & pat~e/ver t/0 re lay T in ti'me frame and flame the re gain inn sur(e)ance sa.m.e ven 0.ggin kn0w~t are d are s0we are the w0rld f0re ward~s0 a/r/e dempti0n are~s c0/re b/righ~t m/at/e am sayT eye 2 Facing i've~n/d's~play & placing~ seen synth Le.g. in/n saying~0/ de vote i 0n e~ m0 t~i 0n e~m/e~ave

in see k eth same/in/g i've th0/u bu/i'll/d/in/g 0/ de lay e t00/the re ceive inn e at/e~a ta/ke~in re all i ty e s/h/all 0 w e in/c lay e in k in d f/ace t0 tm ay ke 0n e re lay T D/ate & fi/g a way e w/t re e~ at/e~

the "container" con-t-rolls- and- con-s0les- be-hol-d-s- taking valUe and not replacing t00/the by e 2, e-x-cept- 2- too- l-end-b-end- victim and victimizer t-hr-u-e-vain- ac-count-en-ability-e/a-st-r-ew-e-n-d's-// 0n 0ne t0/0 de/all with their 0ne time s 0wn & against the "time" that doesn't pr0 vide f0r/t/hem in re all i ty e t0/w/n sustainable ly e (for-some-re-as-on-unkn0wn-e-multiplie-d-for-s-how-e-g0-de-)

2 st/and t/rue in t0/w/n 0. w/hen & wen/t 0/we in/k and 0 w/kn0w e by e n/am/e all s0w e b/r/ave in share in g0 all 0!de n0d e all~0ve t'd~en 0wn s0w~0ve

the s0w/~and~0ve in k/n/0w e

the s0w/~and~0ve in k/n/0w e be day e w0ve & w/h0ve in re s0le u t~i 0n e f/ray in ti'me we/ave & w/heave n spree sent ly e t0 me a.d 0/wn fe/ed cr0w(p0und n0te)n t0te taw/ e'ye in deed e~

c0m press aid e c(h)0 /ne b/r0ad ly e

in this way the "law" is "kno-t-" for/t/e the re virtu0us that do not nee-d-a g-un- t0 w/(h)ave a pur/e vie w/aye tu`be/ck 0n e calm i necessary en0ugh tw/h0 see dof & d~0ve in dependent ly inn 0.f/f e~in 0rigin all y e tu beac0n e w/' s hue d c0l0r e inn ten ti 0n e t/hr/u e very e t hing e me/re t0 me

-but- the g-un is- he-ll-d- in p-l-ace - by -e-the-law- too-the- 2- do- e (in c-as-e- the uncouth "need" wit ness for their "virtue" -2- be-hole-d- con-tin-u-ally- e- g0- d-s- ow/rite- too-the-"st-one"-t-hr-0-w-in-g-ear-n-ing the righ~ thru no body e 0f act u all u re p0re T in g~ 0

de light wi~t/he all u re t0 think t/wise 0f ten 0n e r'igh~te~e/the nigh te ven ly e

she/p/her/d bay eb:be e & h ear t h and aye w/h0/ven d's h/eave n/0. w/(h)e ave n'~ s~ end's just be cause t(h)0/me inn 0 g/g in c/up an/d e ven ly e sup press inn 0ne ye t0 me ven d's~

your gun doing is kn0w creativity pursuing & flat ly ruining the relati0n ship 2 fall 0 w e t/hr/U e ven t0/0 : the "f-act"-you- carry a gun is honestly stating your reason is not provision enough tu' be seen 0 pen ly inn 0.f/f~e at f0ra y0u

*the origin of 'foray' is 'straw' & it apparent ly means 2 things : a sudden attack into enemy territory, and to become involved in a new sphere in activity

*considering who the police are killing re-cent-ly-e-with license-the-law-t-: homeless people, 12 year old black boy e with a fake gun ly-app-law-d- (the "license" to kill is simply becoming easier to ste-all-ease-e- & t-ill-0ve-), strangulation for e selling cigarettes, (when 0ne can clearly e see the effort required just 2 y0u be seen actually e t0/get by e the-b-ye- h0nest ly e w/hey e si/de tu`be in fi/t path and 0 pen ly e 0n/e as el l/as/t and pr0 claim serve i tude s aim in change X act ly e), buffet-e-d- by "one" of the men that killed the young woman in India / stating she wouldn't have been killed if she didn't fight back when she was being raped and were si-lent- enough-at-e-.

This is a "top" heavy case of projection t-h-eater-

further stating a woman and the way a woman dresses is her fall-t- (yea-for-men-2-de-fine-in-t-heir-e-p.r-im-e-vain-an-d-im-e-) is nothing more than lew-d-ly-e- viewing women as ty-e-pr0-per-ty-e-purse-sew-in-g-l0ve-less-ly-e-t-hr-u-in-g- (t-hat t-hey-e- comment at all frank ly e / hap pi ness d0es kn0t lend 0n the ben-d-ad equate ly e) to hide the ugly fact m-ans -e- god is stupid in him enough and e vain -d-of-f-act-0r-ye-t-of-f-

hell-d- in equal me-as-u-re- t0-g-et-he-re- by-e-any-e-way-e- & thus stupidity pre-serves-2-be-stupi.d.-l-aye-in-g- (the "rise" from the de-a.d. just gets stupider-use-e-) no parallax from the br0~ad base of morality that can T but not sustainably apparent ly e

Stupi.d.-long- as s-pans-p-ark -2- use-e- de-ed- there is no merit in e war-e-for any body be 4 bezel and a d00r e by e heart h 0/m e all s0w e

the rest0re inne ring f0re b~e ll0ng in g

W/-hole thr0ugh y0ur e g"0"d spin spun r-each for/t mask in lineage 0f the male patriarchy reflection-e-fore competition-e-n0un-ly-e-, Paul Drinan for the "one" up man ship for-scene- you-r/e-god as you-r/e-sel-lf i stupi.d. ie as eth' leg-ac-ye-w/he-all-the-e-d-ire-erecti0n-e-nvy-e- with0ut re s0le u ti 0n e

'ac' is all s0w e before christ, which makes me think, how did christ get s0 l0ng apparent ly except fore l0ve in 2 use e k

speaking in ware in his name i do not believe yu have the right to speak inherently e too-the-"keel"-all-a-lo!n/g-

'de' besides de/b 0f the L(ove)aw e, is all s0w e 'de' / del/l a war/e, and 'de' in la tin as 'away from' = h0w could this all be = answer : in the same time frame actually, t0 de & g0 away e is all the same in completion and- all the s-am-e- in competition.

u r god as u r sell f is stupid e vain w/he-all-th-e-



david ofers me the ad vice to work vs s pen ding time on the internet unrestrained apparently (he speaks, yet would not "c-are" 2 hi re me 0n e his lit tell st-ick he t0-0k- without paying in advance a gain-s-ee-d-oh-and-0l-t-e-vain-

stand your g-round-own-



don't ahve any tentat against me aexcept me shell that avesta aided and abetted twh-0-d-well-

Which makes me think,

*the 'c0n' e c0mplete in La tin 0bserved is 'c0mplete ly' e with e re tern

*the 'c0n' e c0mplete in La tin 0bserved is 'c0mplete ly' e with e re tern i ty e ven~ see am in/n serve d'~ s/Pea/k


C0n c0mplete ly container compact b0dy e


s tip u lar st raw e & s tall k inn ere t'lea f/l/ap pen d age n/e in relief~e


w/hale ans well and h/ear/t~ye t00 te~ll


united parcel service, universal power supply, mail bea male force shore s-h0-r/e-ye- & m-ail and m-a/le- in destination-s-pre-e-miss-in-g- ist -2- n-ever-t- be scene short on e cru c i all a/s up lie in g- fe-e-d- ... stupidity has a p.r.ice use-e-d- in barren po-ten-t-i-al-l- verses bare ran fe e den e me e/t~m/ark pi~thy men & mem/b/rain sane chalice ~l l 0 ve in sea mehall i 'c' 2 see~very e t hing e ne/e den~s/i~ty~e sPeak i/n g~

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cru gr0w cru/c/i/all/ye t here x 2 cru/is/e th~e ave n~see d aye "vs" cru-g-r0w-c-r-u-c-i-all-ye-t-here-x-2-day-t-d-rug-0n-av/e-ye-@-e


e lat e d tu'b~ear e & reap air e in/n g' see k in f/air e ring ave t in e min am e an/d f0r k's aye ven


f/l/ap pi e de via t0r eve in ly e t0 me. g.0/d d0/c keep f0/r/m/e a.d. just ly e pea ce sphere all y e she/p/her/d if ewe please


r/0d & st.afxf t c0me f0/r/t/e at L as T with in sure (st)ance vein d(ance) t/r/i bu2te in p0 ten t~i all


i am the relati0n ship~ 0le in g0 wan e c/are g0 all fl0w ere bein g inn re sT0re in ri/ng ti'me tw/h0 en0ugh t h0 u/s e & h0/m e di vin e c0/m p l~ea t ly e. g.r/ace & the ring t0ss a way e vein 0.f/f~e in p~lent~ye 0n e~


flap i think the follow thru is as imitative as seek it -2- by-e-to-o- competition-s-n-ar-e-row-pay-per-v-ie-w/-e-ar-row-e- ft --- fore thought on this p-lane-would be-ad a b-ride mad-e-t-left 0 pen e w/no sight in sit u f0r/m/e all ye too see k/i tooth e 0n pr0 0f/f e~


my Teeth my Tu'be a matter e 0f/f act i 0n e c~aries and if eye p/l/e/as/e~ in cavity e t00/the X plain ly e w/teeth tu`be l0ng t0 me industri0us ly e 0n the 0 pen plane in g circumference ~s~ ing f0/r/m/ e very e t hing eye ta think in dependent ly e at e~


pi rite and 0ther 0ne 0res anonymous e

poisonous com pounds de pen d in g o/n intention e fund a/m entally e 0n e. g.reen act spec t fr0/m ineven t~i 0n e


he was gilt-y-e-culling-p-c-it-y-e-0n-l-ie-


pease L0 v~e i L~ease p/l/ace & p/l/ease sing inn g c/ar~e rye th'0~ve~ternity e p/r0se : the m/ask 0' god is not re all 0/ave & eve in 0 want and misdirected on premise not sought well "kno-t" o/n ly e tu`be bough-t-of-f-as-tm-is-take-god-o-f-ash-i-on-e-facsimile in family planning in place never t landing~r/ace -2-make- like- face-4- no re as 0n e at l at e 2 re lay t make sustain able l0w/ attainables s0w e ll end ell b0w e n d's ink 0 g.ether fend's t0w e in/c/0 b/0ugh t0/0 kn0w e.g.0 t0.g. thr0ugh 0

ScreenShot20150222at50206PM ScreenShot20150222at50216PM

t r/i/b~u & tarry e river t 0r e st re am tm fl0!w~ing t0 me act u all ye t/00th be.g.i/n/n c~


we should talk about go-nads some time to birth and berth a ll c up in ti'me 0n e cess ary e t'up


fl0~u/re te fxf l0! we/r e st airs and t ar/e s ave reap aire s~


s~hears to being an idiot for a morality that doesn't believe in you -&- if it doesn't believe in you by e & buy c/arerye in g thru 0ne 0n even t w/h0 e vein 0.f/f, t-hey-e- c-an/s use anything -i-t- "wants" against you -2-too-the-tri-bu-te- appearing as the ligh t 0 reas0n e caring & carrying the season~s (without sustainable quest i 0n e in g)

the con-t-ainer is a budding mockery 0' vert-u- 2- own-l-ie-see-am-t-rue-t-re-ad-e-t-hr-u-e-

my ap paul o gee's he hi.d. his-&ligh-t- money under a bushel as a tribute to stand in front of you tu`be scene own-l-ie-n- proud in the expanse of what he made 2 g0 unseen just by e being present' use-e- & e very e t hing e 0 pen ly e rec k 0n e c0mp lea t / f0/r/m/e~ i have all re ad dy e maid x made my g/r/ace -&-he-take-s-aw-ay-e-vain-an-d-just-bein-g-inn-re-p-l-ace-sing-e-run-din-g-un-0-bs-erve-d- the (re) verb was never a noun in the fir st g ear/t/h


p0nd f0re p0und me thinks with0ut de lay t are are


ten si le pt : tp ~ she stretched the wretch from the pre miss 0n sigh t last in ri.g. ht


special 0pe rati0n~s gr0/Up c lea r L(0ve) 0! p/e n 2 D~0ve tell and inn ere st0re vein 0.ggin k n0 w e ll 0/ng f0re a.d 0 0/r e by e say t an~st and i/n grand ear e


p.s. it really is a sin 2 appear tu`be/in a relati0n ship and not be hap pi 0n e le.g.it/time/mate/ly e w/it -2-com-e-pass(-i-)-on-e-vain-e-with-it-

ScreenShot20150223at65413PM ScreenShot20150222at85615PM

time is absolutely relative to your desire name ly e ~ in k/nit en 0n/e -fink- for/m/e~ad i.d. f0r e very e b/0 d dy~e~s~in k tinkerer in place 0f c0m man d ear ing interi0r e f0/r/m/e~inn~ seeing aves ave in g


for/m/e your-e-"need" is a simple reduction of "fe-e-d-" and you are using women and nature (that cant speak independently and be heard fundamentally x radically) to ingest your-a-greed / protecting your souless ness with calculated provision to not let the inherent s0ul e.g.'s 0le X is T sustain ab/le ly among thee vegetative (fore no re as on e) industry-e-

to/o- x- 2- feed the k-eye-p-ew/ kn0w e re L e/as/e in dependent ly e

it isn't an issue of "races" it is an issue of irrational-l p-l-ace-s-aye-s-ee- men in the competitive marketplace, feeding an interest too-the-tarry-e- universally -&- "kn0-t-a"re lay T, because the "seen" force scene is m-aid-up-e-0n-e-the-fir-st-p-l-ace-re-spec-t-iv-e-ly-e- "2" day-t- & get laid in all matters of speaking without actually seeking, nor being scene x seen criminal-ly-e- as the p'0-le -i- nec/rophilia romancing the val-u-e- inn hist0rey-e-s-pea-king-em-bare-ass-e-d- (w/no provision in he ad)

cur-rent-ly-e- the only for/m fora man is to be ashamed of his w/and (with hand) & his st~af~tan c0llect-i'v-e-ly-e-2-com-e-p-ass-ing-e-a-re-all-i-ty-e for the forcing aka for-seen-future-tu-be-at-a-war-e-in-g-


s/i/f i/t an d is c e~ar/n si eve n d's~


embarrasment of riches 0re -ch0ice-in-s/t-e-ad-aye.-g.-a-i-nn-an-d-



keep the weft -inn-fringe- & the warp-e-d- im-peach-able-ave-n-d-s- and-s-0w-e-beg-in-n-fo-ra-live-vain-




against a r0ll 2 a T / L e ve/in t0 me is with ficti0nal-l- virtue act-u-al-ly-e-

people are used to keep cherishe-d-b-eliefs-con-t-rite-ly-e-


notes from the draft / margins 12/22/2107


tacking on happiness and energy tu-be-a-maintaine-d- inn-dependent-ly-e-

mone not on same s am p le plane p-lan-e-

no w/xyz status inn-dependt ly e-

faith fe i r o/n e w faith w hey e

marreid and un hap pi just saying you yourself do not want life fore re all y e

mer rits sable make sure it is payable

libbi se up "challenge" for-the-c-up- kaizen not talk (controlling pay-able-and-put upright defenseless e vain-and-

wool curly hair aspireal

libbi knows schedule saw no depth of vsion to reveal flow in anna maria stor-eye-2-tooth-keel- now have -2- to think -4- a hi-re-st-and-ard-2-day-t- adamnatnt about the container t-hey-e-make-relay-t-own-l-ie- x l-ei-

see no contribution in advant of have lent to avesta apparent existena on merit to handle a fair ret w/rit e /nough a bit' ave t

hand le

dick by-e-heart in the gap a part in second to c-hew fill is tiwht ver-t-h(r)ue- the container he owns ye-one-e-we- gal lop n g teational (scene) pr id e s eye for re all too-tooothe-2-ste-all-

de-at-h-and-t-axes-at-e-naked 2 day T

debt 2 know debt 0 w e

can a saint be every wehre you wont let virtue stand/rise on it s own 2 w/here and

am never met d-avid but btoth keepng

fig for real eaven o f/f= wont let you exist in innnocents happiness shar (e)one wealth o

portrait shadow upper lip hangs in shodow y nose makes place for the keep w are inn

innocent being rad just ly on premiss firs tl y in revers sing cur s-in-g-




write not only -2- speak t-hr-u- t hue inn-fancy-eye-see-b-light-


mad e we didn't kn0w/ h/at you were getting in-2- especial-ie-w-hen-it-comes-looking-for-you-2-pro-of-mo-re-ver-t-d-ue-

lew-d- the money h-a-verse-& -pay-verse- doing nothing re fi ne de nude tu`be seen approve in g~0ve the ad re am e tw/h'0 le x ly (just saying : why~high can't your e m 0ne ye sPeak t0 me direct ly e) t-he- ad-minister- c-ain-t-able-in-g-the-think-tan-k-ing-a-gree-d-c-able-a.d.-?-0h-perp-e-tu-ally-e-scene-f-our-s-h0-w-in-g-

for-c-e-show- the scene -x- unscene similarly with law-t- on their side for no reason to be -just- comfor-t-able-ly-e-

is bending the seen to-x-2- not appear obscene making a living off ten 0n e -at-e-very-e-t-hing-e-

= h0w the scene is operating in place of the seen in re all time with re all valUe in/n g (made to go without the means 0rdinarily e t0 e X press i/t act u all y e times 0 pen ly e ven t0 me


the "need" for malfeasance to b-rake 0n ac count en ability e by-e-pre-ven-t-in-g- the weight less pins 0/n the competitive marketplace t0/0 ta/ke place sustainably e with pr0 visi0n e at an/ye s/trait prevents the by e back 0 pen ly e 2 Day T with inn ate

the "2" -x- 2- at the -x- it- an-d-en-trance-sayes- don't kn0w 0re care h0w t0/0 care f0re t/here l0t t0/g 0t heir : t'each as s0ugh~t here

fore com-petition-e-re-stores- victim and victimizer e -2-t-ax-e-the re all 0 vein t/hr/U -&- reducing pore t able i ty~e 0n e vein 2 t/hey e t/hat are able a.d. -&- reducing the re all are s0urce saye seen 2 make the pore s0le & sel~lea fully e r00ted' sustainable a / -d-"just" poor-use-e- in-ste-ad-e- with a sub-t-le- undercutting~0ve in motivation-e-at-h'and- ie

w/-hen D-avid "prays" to the judge, that I also pay for his appearance in court-us/e-e- in-con-tin-u-i-t-ie-s-peak- dishonest ly e 0n/e me now -2- s-him- 0-re-(a)d-inn-f0r-e-fe-e-d-in-g-

the under-cur-rent- is a threat by e the attorney for thinking in place respect fully e 2 DayT in e my head ate / & st-ate-in-g-in subtext eye would be better aft misrepresente-d- if-on-ly-e- I didn't care to think 0 pen ly e w/ pre sents t0 w/hey e in/c


Which is to say, not only was I taxed among Me-shell playing the high-low of victim-and-victimizer-at- the same time competing on the least able financially e w/-art-de-gree-d- t hat apparently gives her the "right" -2- co mpete as her dad paid for her -e-con-o-my-e- creating the scene -and- calling on "authority", with Avesta synthing -0/n-a-di-me-now crying too-the-a- D-avid apparent ly, D-avid knew of Me-shell and what she said of me, and s-lid- under current that I am "vile" and "vulgar" to the judge "pray"e-see- that eye all s0w e pay for his 0-miss-i-0n-e- capable ly in re all i ty


the t-work werk weak ly e

attny acting as politictican advocating raping of right behavior while deamoninzing me for thinking to be a matter of f/act ly e / eploitation of resources for re all land cheap labor e pool

hades scored but didn't core. hades s-core (scene core) and s-co-re- in history e t'lea ven -d-aye-g-a-in-an-d-e-necrophilia for the free lode brave

avesta their job affords them to be lame of brain and b-lame when necessary e vain the s-am-e-

The conscientious can see the line of in-ten-ti-on-e- and the e-x-ten-d-ed-b-light- for what it is, and the conscious awareness of "it" is a cause for chagrin, linke-d-too-the-social-l-st-and-in-g-, per haps depression in the gravity of the insane seaming upright in earning a living "name"/ 0n e me, and de motivation, "financial-ly-e-" speaking among the prick p-reek-ing-f-am-ill-ye-

the irony is d-avid is actually the "one" going rogue for no reason e too/the be in 0 w/h0le, and has been all the t-im-e-0n-ly-e-s0-le-in-g-

w hat condition of imp-ass must 0ne wit ness to understand bridge-t- makes a living for no reason e vain -and- c-harlot-e just has to s-how-up-an-some-lee- sh0-rt- 0 re all w0rk in re all i ty e

some thing happens when you are "seen" & e vain m-aid-x-m-ade-2-make less money aka m-one-ye- among the scene, and it seems to state thru actions any-e-way-e- that the p0re (be-cause-of-your-e-o-miss-i-on-s-aid-e-) are poor in deed of their own doing of not having much to contribute ven.

When we see how the financial-ly-e-with ell -d-0f-f-


libbi every things re vie w is subject to the t-oo-the- traci moving higher in management apparently using employes as stepping st-ones-she-made- and cheryl also claimbed hire in management with w hat value exactly in hr wake -2- too-l-end-&-b-en-d-a gain removed from poop loop rout


T-he-C-harlot doesn't h/ave to think (c/ore desire) as a requirement for-e- work- in "follow-t-hr-u" -&- re- hi-re- to/o-x-2- & the U is not' allowed to formally complain (2 wh0/m? h0nest ly e this h0 w/e. g.0 / e vein and in e ti'me that w0uld make 0ne with sustainability e t0/0 x 2 c0n tin U e without reg"u"ard- by-e- sustainabilitie-s-equel-s-am-e-too-the-2-clinging-aft/er-tu-be-scene-on-e-ne-w/- equal-l-ie-n-) x (the "time" is pre-serve-d-e/b-the-s-am-e-secret-l-ie-vain-and-s-him-s-a-gain-inn-g-an-g-reen-e-in-g-f-am-e-

just for the same "say-e-" but not re al ly e

"law" has become a fo-r-um for the to-k-en-ough-t-wile the scene takes place in what should right fully be seen as pr0viding

the top "rats" preen and eat, and don't know how to c/ar e comp lea t, and especially do not t'each by e X amp le a f/air e. T-hey-e- are not just cause, and the "trick-le-d-own- the-0-ry-e- own-lie-pr0-vide-b/t- for the continuance of the law-st- which is a d/rain b/rain too-the-be-scene for no act/u/all re as 0n e f0r any e b/0 d/dy e

the scene eats the time t hat may e b/be, the res0urces in the tributary


i can't be doing my real work and regarding lies to toothe shirk-on-e-me unless it becomes my re al+l sus stain able ave int0 work in known worth tw/h0 pr0 0f/f e~ e debt an dept/h e ad dec keeping my body in place to make gains on the wi/ings of my integrity s pea k & flo at e in furture ad well / ing provision e too toothe apparent ly e to me and abberations heave n/d's



Personally, I don't know what to say about her inordinate subterfuge to feast the "day" every "day." However it is interesting that C-harlot per Avesta rolle-d- on testimony that Me-shell was "now" not a problem and I am apparent ly? making it up, and curiously Avesta is upset about having to wear my sentiment of their services in public ass-such.

Avesta does not see or vet a loss among the least financially able as Avesta has allready written off their resident contribution to be of their "one" trust -2- make t-rust- iff-t-hey-e-nee-d-2-. "Therefore" the financially weak are "thought" to not be seen of being deserving of the "law" Avesta k-eye-p-s- to resolve their pr"0"blem of shitting on people apparently underneath.

I would say, for myself, the problem of being shit on by Avesta, is not because I am financially inept, it is because I am honest and consciencious.

, nor will it let any e 0n e be necessary e t00/the i/r e keel 0 pen ly e.


'Don't hide your talent under a bushel' -2-be-g-in-

Hide is to make hidden, and it is the skin even ly e seen. The s/kin s0ak in tannin fr0m the b/ark 0f the t re e, don't know what skin the hide is from actually e with appearance

s/kin see kin see k in

without looking anatomically

Don't hide your t'all~ent under a bu-shell fraud-u-lent-ly-e-


(wh0 on god's green earth gives license too the s-P-eak of unearned mirth-ey-e- ro-b-ust-ly-e-see-k-)

me all 0ver t all 0ne c/Up an d r/ink's~up

let's not underestimate this: re touch ching* is t money, h-in-g-e- to make money for no reason competitive-l-ie-/n-2- too-the-4-aye-re-p-ea-t- the dishonest dirt cycle while appearing clean / wile pi-le-on- someone else w/ear t-heir dirty laundry-e- as t/here 0wn 0ne can t re a deem apparent ly e not e ven f0r e free ly e. g.i'ven seen (thus "charit-ease-thick dense screen : miss t me) -x- b-land-ead-can own lie receive charity if it is d-ropped-on-its-hed-pi-ti-able-2-con-form-e-very-e-t-hing-e-vain-s-ow-e- the -y- (of the dna -y- e with0ut en d)

Let's talk about the ad-ven-t- of the con-t-a-in-er-e-con-t-roll-in-g-0-de-st-in-y-in-de-pen-den-t-ly-e-in-f-ave-0-re-s-t-0r-e-ye-

con t/r as/t in g


Trader Joes b/arks a protocol per 'Kaizen' culture although how it re all ye p/ans 0/ut is~ -d-0wn-an-d-out- suspended in a container that preaches a higher standard manager i all ye secret ly can't deliver, -and- hol-d-s u/p defense less -2- & -too-the- w-hat ends up being the petty inclinations of the se-l-l-f-serve-vain-0ver-t-haul-re-vie-w's-hall-0-w-e- the say-me-pan-s-am-e-see-k-e/re-st-and-0wn-i-

People were once the land pr0w t, and Avesta with housing land use, and Trader Joes with the sup port of food both de all with the justified essence of living 0/n 0w/ kn0w e right fully

industriously Trader Joes can pre serve an appearance of continuity by revolving new employees -and- keeping those that don't know better actually e

when this store opened there were 3000 applications for 100 positions, and crew members were tall k and this worked 2 rise to the occasion before great fell thru the grate -2- x - too-the-

Roughly Kaizen is change for the better, a business concept regarding communication per necessity prow t/u be lea n in re c0.g. ni/ti/0n e g0ing f0re ward~e fi/ne within necessity e "verse-us-nit-tie-on-e-2-" as a function of bus-i-ness-b-line-ding-t-hr 0 way-e- 0ne- 2 : w here t0/0 x 2 couldn't bea pr0 f0und

The issue of bread at Trader Joes is a problem -2-fool-d-

Anna Maria isn't the only insecure Scene-0-b- and sow eye will tall k a bout libbi aka bye-be to me in "time"

Pr"0"blems gal-l-0re-

Trader Joes Maine was the largest format of 350 + stores. Libbi trie-d- to please HQ by the numbers that clearly didn't apply to this store by ordering "X" amount of bread, to be thrown away in ill resolution, that could hardly fit in the spacious storage, to wheel any other product in time.


in this way the "law" is "kno-t-" for/t/e the re virtu0us that do not nee-d-a g-un- t0 w/(h)ave a pur/e vie w/aye tu`be/ck 0n e calm i necessary en0ugh tw/h0 see dof & d~0ve in dependent ly inn 0.f/f e~in 0rigin all y e tu beac0n e w/' s hue d c0l0r e inn ten ti 0n e t/hr/u e very e t hing e me/re tw/h0 eye t/hr/u g b uni0n e much in c0untenance set with trust an~ye way e & h0/w~e be f0r/a/ge~r0und by e de light igh~t

*bun = b re ad roll of various shapes +

*uni0n = act of being joined in/e t~i'm~e

*buni0n = head-to-e-de-flect0re

*deflect = bend e/ar

*de in la tin = 'away from' = bend away from de/b fine in time all waye sleads back to the time vein

*rug = floor covering

*rugby = game passing b/all

*f0rage = search wide ly for food & pr0 visi0n~s = straw in 0rigin

core ran

lintel l

lentil l

r are b loo min t hr u

not really justic if can't speak up in the first place of ten on/e and be hear De ven

kickstarter building s/p ans

i am time all ways i nthe making

sharon love in living function give up the nel n-ail p-rive-l-edge-

protagoish t each t earn

charlote wouldnt mind meeting outside of work ther was a time bun now wouln't wat nto now thiat i understand her work in hard ly di/vin/e

meshel degree without education actually

"they" have the right to ignor our legitimate complaints and "they haave the right to penalize me and use for desireing to be hear d for real with observation 2 actuallly serve / personally represent hteir ability 2 manage and pesoanlly misrepresent my ability 2 represent myself 2 observe


The gig -0- spre ad in g christianity all over the place is up - in the sense it has been m-aid-up-e-. If you cant front your faith in g0/d well ent well in c0re p0re ate d fall 0 w e t/hr/U by e ti'me , i don't get your disconcerting talk about -it- except -2- con-vert-miss- in a container with no pre miss.


lets start with the issue of "bread" she hel-d- the commencement in her he-ad-

not sus/staining people you c-ar-e-about-any-e-way-e-


the side swipe pand sel-l-ed-wel-l- we ave car pet to tell emission pure ficiton on back of omission x per miss i on e w natureall re -vision-e- get to weave as the de-man-d- i gget to take it evain-and-ing-

pt wont bye "it" / witness-s-

T-hey-e- w/e- ave- displaced the right full 0wner ship f0ur e so-l0ng- t-hey-e- think t-hey-e- w/e ave the right' m0w e appreciably -in-step-pan-an-s-owe-a-keep-in-c-an-dye-go-e-at-e- t(h)reading the thanks thru- inc- e- st- well- in- communication- s-a(n)ctions- nake-d-s-at-e-a-make- seth scene complete n'e with no further comment' o/w e/we t/hr/u -le-in-g-scene -2- create a se-g-men-t- a- jol-ly-s-of-t-appreciabel-ly-e-ab0ve the cutter left in the wake t hat never h~ap pen d 2 dayT by e as t0 t00th fake. g.0 pr0 wt an saw/ all and~0ve vein 0.f/f~e & faith returning's 0/m e~very aw ate rate aerate

0bviously standing f0r a bipr0duct of inherent value 0riginally by e X ten s/i 0n e t00/the n/arr0w/(h) 0ne would be seen as against depth parameter- s-owe-in-g-industrious-ly-e without a think tank / except perpetually tanking- if-(with no gif T in relay T in g) it- we/rent- 2- the- ta-king- at the same "time" not making the act u all a time count inn dependent lye sustainably in the 0 pen 2 use e pan pr0 vide DayTable a.d. life X ten s/i 0n e fl0w/ ing' see~ m see k see d see am e

Whimsy aside, the scene must be pai-d-tribute to run seamlessly in contininuityes speaking too-the-


Money making should inherently mean s0me thing i/n re all i tye sPeak in the by e see me. W hat we ave is m-one-ye-in-re-all-i-ty-e-, thanks to Anna-mar-i-a-pe-r-son-al-ly-e-too-the-sup-p-l-ie- // ironically looking like she cares but own-l-ie for-e-ye-

(ie the -by-e-in-to-w-e-d-ue- my friend is at you direct lea pass indirect ly pro-vide- t-hr-U-le of advancing her unnecessity-e-directional-ly-e-as-too-the-re-r-u-le-in-g-) (thus, eve-r-one-is an accomplice to toothe "her" gain-scene appearing ration-all-as she lavishes affections without in/ten/t~i0n~e = a re all aberration of grace t0 me just be cause t-r-ans-mute-d- e/b -t-/w-h0-eliminating the sh0w/~ing from being seen essentially e in every e t~hing e in kn0w/~ing's pea k in re lea f~e/e de~ns~ee ke & see k' see d's~0we in c0re p0re ate de lay e 0n e ti'me w/h0/ne st/y le

In her narcissisim to be "seen" indiscretely creating an unnecessary scene -2- take co-m / man-d- the basis is viewing desire for life in one person a crutch of another's-ham-e- & h-and-constructe-d-o-f- with the "l-ei-sure" aka l-ie-sure of not thinking much at the same time the f0-r-e-c-as-t-aye-ke-s-p-lay-c-e-s

keeping my body in place to make gains on the w/ings of my integrity~s ~Pea~k & fl0~at~e in future ad well/ing pr0visi0n e too toothe n0 tu`be indentified aye with a return~sing e just b.c. 0riginally e 0n e 0


the lamentations of working at trader foes for re all~ as a container that isn't pr0w t.

"Kaizen" is a big part of the Trader Joes culture apparently. How it is -u/s/e-d- in another story-e- usually kept on the inside of the hi-re- which leads me to believe only the medi-o-cure can afford to work at trader joes comfor-t-abel-ly-e-s-owe-in a confounding destiny on pre miss o pen ly a ware a-gain-an-d-

It became apparent to me, I would be falsely stipulated to have every value I produce inherently



dont talk

saftey sign 7ft congested #'s


happiness t rading for / like a commodity ltd too the restore provisited ? and visionall a more, biproduct of inherent value i make "yu" take, or "you" think you make and take-

H20 me m11 v